⭐️明日明後日はBRUINは休業になりますのでよろしくお願いします! | Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

Be an optimist and always believe in A Brighter Future!!

UCLA卒業、バブル時代商社でサラリーマンを経験し、故郷上田でビンテージバイクの輸入販売をはじめ現在に至る。古き良き時代のJapanese Vintageバイクの魅力を配信中!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️明日は通常の定休日ですが、18日(火曜日)は六本木で行われるUCLA Reunionに参加すのでお休みさせていただきます!⭐️



 皆さん、今晩は今日も暑い日になりましたね。しばらく前には突然雨になったり忙しい一日でしたね。さて、明日は月曜日なのでBRUINはお休みですが、18日(火)はコロナ後初のUCLA Reunionが六本木で行われるので、私も参加するのでBRUINは臨時休業させていただきます。今回は、UCLAの学長を17年間務めたGene D. Block氏が今年で退任されるので、今回のReunionが学長としての最後になります。個人的に、今までに5回ほどお会いしているので、感謝の気持ちと一言ご苦労様でしたと直に伝えたいと思っています。




Chancellor Gene Block - Celebrating a Legacy of Excellence

Farewell Reception for Chancellor Gene Block

After 17 years of dedicated stewardship, Chancellor Gene Block will conclude his tenure as UCLA’s top executive. Eiichi, we cordially invite you to come honor and bid farewell to a venerated leader and celebrate his impact on our university at the UCLA Westwood Reunion.


Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Reception: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Program: 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Grand Hyatt Hotel Tokyo
Tarragon Room
6-10-3 Roppongi, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 106-0032, Japan


Chancellor Block’s tenure has been marked by a dedication to excellence, discovery and the unwavering pursuit of UCLA’s mission.

#1 UCLA has soared to the pinnacle of national rankings, a testament to Chancellor Block's commitment to academic achievement and innovation.
2x Research funding has nearly doubled, fostering groundbreaking discoveries that have propelled UCLA to the forefront of innovation.
Graph indicating rising value on y-axis is rising as x-value increases Enrollment has surged, and the campus has expanded to accommodate the growing Bruin family, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive community.
Hand with leaves hovering above it. Chancellor Block's passion for service has enriched the lives of countless individuals, both locally and globally, embodying UCLA's ethos of giving back to society.
21 During Chancellor Block's tenure, UCLA teams have clinched an impressive 23 NCAA championships, reflecting the school's spirit of preeminence in all endeavors.

Help us recognize Chancellor Block’s contributions and wish him well as he embarks on the next chapter of his illustrious journey.

UCLA Alumni


From BRUIN Ueda-City, Nagano-Pref, Japan
Since 1999
Jun 16.2024