東大2024年文法問題の原文解説 (3) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







In April Arslanova and her colleagues reported in Current Biology that time perception changes with each heartbeat. In their initial experiment, 28 people learned to distinguish the duration of two visual or two auditory stimuli. For example, the study participants looked at two shapes or heard two distinct tones. One item or sound from each pair was presented for 200 milliseconds (ms), and the other was presented for 400 ms.



第1文In April Arslanova and her colleagues reported in Current Biology that time perception changes with each heartbeat.



この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentence(第2パラグラフの第1文から見るとsub-topic sentence)であると判断することができます。



第2文In their initial experiment, 28 people learned to distinguish the duration of two visual or two auditory stimuli.



第3文 For example, the study participants looked at two shapes or heard two distinct tones.



第4文 One item or sound from each pair was presented for 200 milliseconds (ms), and the other was presented for 400 ms.





このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第4文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。






Next, people saw a new cue—another tone or shape—and had to estimate whether the presentation felt shorter or longer, using the previous pair for reference. But there was an added twist. These new sounds and visuals were matched to a particular moment in the rhythm of someone’s heart rate: when the heart either contracted (the systole) or relaxed (the diastole) during the heartbeat.



第1文Next, people saw a new cue—another tone or shape—and had to estimate whether the presentation felt shorter or longer, using the previous pair for reference.


コンテクストから、peopleはpeople in generalという意味ではなく、the study participantsという意味です。このように言い換えが行われたときに、言い換えられるもとと別の日本語に置き換えるなどということをすると、不毛です。表現が違うけれども、指す対象は同じであるときは、ああ、あれと同じ対象ね、と思いながら読むことが大切です。


第2文 But there was an added twist.



第3文 These new sounds and visuals were matched to a particular moment in the rhythm of someone’s heart rate:



第4文 when the heart either contracted (the systole) or relaxed (the diastole) during the heartbeat.




ここで第4パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、supportの役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。






During systole, the volunteers perceived time duration to be shorter than it actually was. During diastole, the exact opposite was true. The researchers suspect that the overestimation and underestimation typically cancel each other out. “One way to think about it is: Our eyes blink and open, but our visual perception is stable.... It’s only when one dominates the other that a distortion will come about,” Arslanova says.



第1文During systole, the volunteers perceived time duration to be shorter than it actually was.



第2文 During diastole, the exact opposite was true.



第3文 The researchers suspect that the overestimation and underestimation typically cancel each other out.



第4文 “One way to think about it is: Our eyes blink and open, but our visual perception is stable.... It’s only when one dominates the other that a distortion will come about,” Arslanova says.




ここで第5パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、supportの役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。





According to Arslanova and her colleagues, the phenomenon may be explained by the fact that pressure sensors in blood vessel walls send signals to the brain. As a result, between heartbeats, the sensor activity drops, giving the brain more capacity to process incoming information. This increase in sensory impressions could make time feel longer.



第1文According to Arslanova and her colleagues, the phenomenon may be explained by the fact that pressure sensors in blood vessel walls send signals to the brain.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentence(第3パラグラフの第1文から見るとsub-topic sentence)であると判断することができます。


第2文 As a result, between heartbeats, the sensor activity drops, giving the brain more capacity to process incoming information.



第3文 This increase in sensory impressions could make time feel longer.




ここで第6パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文と第3文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。
