The border, Biden and the election (4) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







The president’s room to do one thing while saying another is running out. The House of Representatives has paired a stringent immigration bill with funding for Ukraine’s war. The administration resents this, because support for Ukraine makes economic and strategic sense for America regardless of the country’s policy on immigration. That is an error. Instead, in a system in which both parties use the leverage available to them, Mr Biden should see this as an opportunity.



第1文The president’s room to do one thing while saying another is running out.



To know is one thing. To teach is another.という組み合わせで「知っていることと教えることとは全く別である」という意味です。


第2文 The House of Representatives has paired a stringent immigration bill with funding for Ukraine’s war.



第3文 The administration resents this, because support for Ukraine makes economic and strategic sense for America regardless of the country’s policy on immigration.



第4文 That is an error.



第5文 Instead, in a system in which both parties use the leverage available to them, Mr Biden should see this as an opportunity.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceの可能性があります。










Some of the Republican demands on immigration are sensible. Most migrants without visas who cross at the southern border do not crawl through the desert. They find a Border Patrol agent and present an asylum claim. They must then pass what is called a “credible fear” interview. Republicans want to raise the threshold for what counts as credible fear. That is a reasonable aim. Under Mr Biden’s rules, a fear of gang violence counts as a ground for being let in. Contrast that with Spain, which rejects this test even though it has a socialist prime minister.



第1文Some of the Republican demands on immigration are sensible.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentence(第7パラグラフの第5文から見るとsub-topic sentence)の可能性があります。


第2文 Most migrants without visas who cross at the southern border do not crawl through the desert.



第3文 They find a Border Patrol agent and present an asylum claim.



第4文 They must then pass what is called a “credible fear” interview.



第5文 Republicans want to raise the threshold for what counts as credible fear.



第6文 That is a reasonable aim.



第7文 Under Mr Biden’s rules, a fear of gang violence counts as a ground for being let in.



第8文 Contrast that with Spain, which rejects this test even though it has a socialist prime minister.





ここで第8パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文をtopic sentenceとし、第2文から第8文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。




Once that first test is passed, immigrants are typically released awaiting a court date years in the future, because immigration courts are overstuffed with cases. The average wait for a hearing is over four years. Appeals can add to the delay. Democrats would like money to hire more officers to process claims and more judges to speed through the backlog of cases. That is reasonable, too.



第1文Once that first test is passed, immigrants are typically released awaiting a court date years in the future, because immigration courts are overstuffed with cases.



第2文 The average wait for a hearing is over four years.



第3文 Appeals can add to the delay.



第4文 Democrats would like money to hire more officers to process claims and more judges to speed through the backlog of cases.



第5文 That is reasonable, too.





ここで第9パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第5文をtopic sentenceとして、その前の第1文から第4文を対応するsupportに読み取ることもできますが、あまりメリットがなく、それよりは、第5文のtooというdiscourse markerを見て、この第9パラグラフが、第8パラグラフと共に、第7パラグラフの第5文のsupportの役割を果たすパラグラフであることに気づく方が大切です。

以上のことから、このパラグラフは、supportの役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを持たないと判断することができます。






There ought to be a deal here. Yet each party mistrusts the other’s motives. Republicans say they will not give more money to an administration they cannot trust to enforce immigration laws. Instead they are trying to impeach the secretary of homeland security. Democrats look at Republican demands, such as that families coming into the country can be detained indefinitely, and conclude that negotiations are being set up to fail and are therefore really a weapon against Mr Biden. The odds are that both parties will choose campaigning over dealmaking.



第1文There ought to be a deal here.




第2文 Yet each party mistrusts the other’s motives.



第3文 Republicans say they will not give more money to an administration they cannot trust to enforce immigration laws.



第4文 Instead they are trying to impeach the secretary of homeland security.



第5文 Democrats look at Republican demands, such as that families coming into the country can be detained indefinitely, and conclude that negotiations are being set up to fail and are therefore really a weapon against Mr Biden.



第6文 The odds are that both parties will choose campaigning over dealmaking.




ここで第10パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、supportの役割に特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。

そして、ここまでが第7パラグラフの第5文をtopic sentenceとする、対応するsupport部分であると判断することができます。