The border, Biden and the election (5) | 英語学習雑感ブログ






Don’t forget the multitudes




That should worry Mr Biden. Our reporting from the Mexican side of the border suggests that, if people believe Mr Trump will win, many more will try to cross into America before he is inaugurated. Insecure borders weaken support for legal immigration and boost restrictionist parties. Immigration could bring Mr Trump back to the White House, from where he might pull America out of the refugee convention of 1951, causing it to collapse. Mr Biden should call the Republicans’ bluff, roll up his sleeves and set out to fix the border. That would be the right thing to do. It would also help his prospects. 



第1文That should worry Mr Biden.



第2文 Our reporting from the Mexican side of the border suggests that, if people believe Mr Trump will win, many more will try to cross into America before he is inaugurated.



第3文 Insecure borders weaken support for legal immigration and boost restrictionist parties.



第4文 Immigration could bring Mr Trump back to the White House, from where he might pull America out of the refugee convention of 1951, causing it to collapse.



第5文 Mr Biden should call the Republicans’ bluff, roll up his sleeves and set out to fix the border.



第6文 That would be the right thing to do.



第7文 It would also help his prospects. 




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