AI for all (2) | 英語学習雑感ブログ






Yet AI stands to transform lives in the emerging world, too. As it spreads, the technology could raise productivity and shrink gaps in human capital faster than many before it. People in developing countries need not be passive recipients of AI, but can shape it to suit their own needs. Most exciting of all, it could help income levels catch up with those in the rich world.



第1文Yet AI stands to transform lives in the emerging world, too.


standはbe to do構造を作るbeの代わりに使われています。

この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceであると判断することができます。


第2文 As it spreads, the technology could raise productivity and shrink gaps in human capital faster than many before it.

the technologyでthe付きで人工知能科学技術を指します。it = the technologyです。



第3文 People in developing countries need not be passive recipients of AI, but can shape it to suit their own needs.



第4文 Most exciting of all, it could help income levels catch up with those in the rich world.




ここで第2パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第4文までがそのsupportであると判断することができます。





The promise of AI in developing countries is tantalising. As in the West, it will be a useful all-purpose tool for consumers and workers, making it easier to obtain and interpret information. Some jobs will go, but new ones will be created. Because emerging countries have fewer white-collar workers, the disruption and the gain to existing firms may be smaller than in the West. The IMF says that a fifth to a quarter of workers there are most exposed to replacement, compared with a third in rich countries.



第1文The promise of AI in developing countries is tantalising.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceの可能性があります。


第2文 As in the West, it will be a useful all-purpose tool for consumers and workers, making it easier to obtain and interpret information.




第3文 Some jobs will go, but new ones will be created.



第4文 Because emerging countries have fewer white-collar workers, the disruption and the gain to existing firms may be smaller than in the West.



第5文 The IMF says that a fifth to a quarter of workers there are most exposed to replacement, compared with a third in rich countries.




ここで第3パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第5文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。





But a potentially transformative benefit may come from better and more accessible public services. Developing economies have long been held back by a lack of educated, healthy workers. Primary-school teachers in India have twice as many pupils as their American counterparts, but are ill-equipped for the struggle. Doctors in Africa are scarce; properly trained ones are scarcer. Whole generations of children grow up badly schooled, in poor health and unable to fulfil their potential in an increasingly global labour market.



第1文But a potentially transformative benefit may come from better and more accessible public services.


この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がそのあとに行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceの可能性があります。


第2文 Developing economies have long been held back by a lack of educated, healthy workers.



第3文Primary-school teachers in India have twice as many pupils as their American counterparts, but are ill-equipped for the struggle.



第4文 Doctors in Africa are scarce;



第5文 properly trained ones are scarcer.



第6文 Whole generations of children grow up badly schooled, in poor health and unable to fulfil their potential in an increasingly global labour market.




ここで第4パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第6文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。