Seriously? Yes (5) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







The way the primary calendar and pending legal cases against Mr Trump intersect is nightmarish. His trial for falsifying records in New York will get under way shortly after Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states vote. Neither this case nor any of the other investigations he faces are likely to be resolved by the time the primaries are over. It is therefore possible that the candidate of one of the two great parties could be subject to criminal charges when he is on the ballot. America has had badly behaved presidents before. It has never had one who is also the defendant in a criminal trial.





第1文The way the primary calendar and pending legal cases against Mr Trump intersect is nightmarish.




第2文 His trial for falsifying records in New York will get under way shortly after Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states vote.

この文はSuper Tuesdayを先行詞としてwhenから文末まで非制限用法の副詞節になていることを指摘するだけで十分でしょう。



第3文 Neither this case nor any of the other investigations he faces are likely to be resolved by the time the primaries are over.

この文はneitherからfacesまでがS、are likely to be resolvedがV、byから文末までが時を表す副詞節でMという構造になります。norはorと同じものと見なし、orが組み合わせられるものは、orの直後と数や人称を合わせるという大原則に従えば、any of the other investigationsは複数扱いなので、areと組み合わさるのはわかりやすいでしょう。それ以外の理由でneitherの固まりの人称や数を説明する本がありますが、この大原則で間違っていることはないので、これをまず覚えることが大切だと思ってください。(ちなみにany one of the other investigationsだと、全体として単数扱いになります)



第4文 It is therefore possible that the candidate of one of the two great parties could be subject to criminal charges when he is on the ballot.




第5文 America has had badly behaved presidents before.




第6文 It has never had one who is also the defendant in a criminal trial.





このパラグラフは、A – B – A’の議論展開の、別の種類のB部分の提示に特化している、support部分だけからなるパラグラフなので、topic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。






You might think that, at this point, voters would abandon Mr Trump in large numbers. Maybe. But when, earlier this year, a jury found that he had sexually abused a woman 30 years ago, the verdict had no measurable effect on his poll numbers. Mr Trump, it turns out, is adept at persuading Republican voters that he is the real victim. Democrats, and plenty of America’s allies, think Mr Trump is a threat to democracy (as does this newspaper). His campaign is already turning this accusation back on the accuser: “The 2024 election”, a recent Trump campaign email announced, “will determine whether we can keep our Republic or whether America has succumbed to the dark forces of tyranny.” Those who accept that these are the stakes will probably overlook Mr Trump’s innumerable and obvious flaws.



第1文You might think that, at this point, voters would abandon Mr Trump in large numbers.





第2文 Maybe.




第3文 But when, earlier this year, a jury found that he had sexually abused a woman 30 years ago, the verdict had no measurable effect on his poll numbers.

この文はwhenからagoまでが時を表す副詞節でM、the verdictがS、hadがV、no measurable effectがO、on以下から文末までがMという構造になります。



第4文 Mr Trump, it turns out, is adept at persuading Republican voters that he is the real victim.

この文はit turns outが主節の挿入であることを指摘するだけで十分でしょう。



第5文 Democrats, and plenty of America’s allies, think Mr Trump is a threat to democracy (as does this newspaper).




第6文 His campaign is already turning this accusation back on the accuser:




第7文 “The 2024 election”, a recent Trump campaign email announced, “will determine whether we can keep our Republic or whether America has succumbed to the dark forces of tyranny.”

この文は前後の2重引用符でくくられた部分がOで、a recentからemailがS、announcedがVという構造になっています。



第8文 Those who accept that these are the stakes will probably overlook Mr Trump’s innumerable and obvious flaws.

この文はthoseが先行詞でwhoからstakesまでが関係代名詞節で両方を合わせてS、will overlookがV、Mrから文末までがOという構造になります。




ここで第7パラグラフは修了です。このパラグラフは、B部分とA’部分というsupport部分を述べることに特化しているためにtopic sentenceを含まないと判断することができます。

そして、ここまでが、第2パラグラフの第6文をtopic sentenceとする、対応するsupport部分であると判断することができます。