Seriously? Yes (3) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







Yes, it probably would. In 2016 and in 2020 it made some sense to think of the Trump movement as a hostile takeover of the party. In 2023 it no longer does. He is the front-runner because a large proportion of Republicans really like him. His supporters have had their hands on the Republican National Committee for six years now. More than half of Republicans in the House of Representatives were elected for the first time since 2016, and therefore under Mr Trump’s banner. Almost all of those House and Senate Republicans who refused to make their peace with him have stood down or retired. Of the ten House members who voted to impeach Mr Trump in January 2021, only two are still there. They are outnumbered in their own caucus by more than 100 to 1.



第1文Yes, it probably would.

文末にnominate him againが省略されています。



この文はtopic sentence(第2パラグラフの第6文から見るとsub-topic sentence)であると判断することができます。


第2文 In 2016 and in 2020 it made some sense to think of the Trump movement as a hostile takeover of the party.

この文はinから2020までがM、itがS、madeがV、some senseがO、to thinkから文末までが真の主語であると判断できます。


A movement is a group of people who share the same beliefs, ideas, or aims.

となっています。つまりthe Trump movementは「トランプ運動」などではなく、「トランプと同じ考えや目標を持つ人とびと」という意味です。

定義文でa movementと加算扱いになっていることに注目してください。asのa hostile takeover of the partyと数の扱いが合うことにも注目してください。



第3文 In 2023 it no longer does.

no longer doesで、does not make any sense any longerという意味です。



第4文 He is the front-runner because a large proportion of Republicans really like him.




第5文 His supporters have had their hands on the Republican National Committee for six years now.




第6文 More than half of Republicans in the House of Representatives were elected for the first time since 2016, and therefore under Mr Trump’s banner.

この文はmore thanからRepresentativesまでがS、wereを共通の助動詞としてelectedから2016までの句と、underからbannerまでの句がandで組み合わされている構造になっています。



第7文 Almost all of those House and Senate Republicans who refused to make their peace with him have stood down or retired.




第8文 Of the ten House members who voted to impeach Mr Trump in January 2021, only two are still there.




第9文They are outnumbered in their own caucus by more than 100 to 1.






ここで第3パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第9文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。