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次の英文を読み、空所(a – j)に入れるのにもっとも適当な動詞を下の語群(0 – 9)から選びその数字を解答欄に記入しなさい。ただし、語群の動詞は原形が与えられています。同じ数字を二度使ってはいけません。


  Few questions in evolution have caused more debate than the genesis of birds. Most scientists believe birds are (  a  ) from dinosaurs called theropods1, but they hadn’t found the actual dinosaur-bird link. Now, two Argentinean paleontologists2, writing in last week’s Nature, say they have found a dinosaur so birdlike that they’ve (  b  ) it Unenlagia, from local Indian words for “half” and “bird.”

  The fossil (  c  ) a theropod, but its pelvis3 looks like a cross between a dinosaur’s and a bird’s. And its shoulder is even more remarkable: not only did it (  d  ) the animal to move its short arms forward, it also permitted an up-and-down “flapping” motion – one never before (  e  ) with nonavian4 dinosaurs. These limbs were too small to (  f  ) the animal off the ground; they may have been used for balance when the dinosaurs jumped and ran, much as gymnasts hold out their arms to (  g  ) themselves from falling.

  Some skeptics sill argue that dinosaurs and birds could have acquired similar traits independently, just as bats – unrelated to birds – also (  h  ) wings. Unenlagia’s discoverers, meanwhile, say the fossil (  i  ) light on yet another mystery: the origin of flight. One theory holds that flight arose when arboreal5 animals began gliding from tree to tree; another, (  j  ) up by the new find, says flapping ground dwellers were the first to take wing.



1 theropod                         「獣脚竜」

2 paleontologist                「古生物学者」

3 pelvis                             「骨盤」           

4 nonavian                        「飛翔しない」

5 arboreal                          「樹上生活の」



0.     lift

1.     allow

2.     associate

3.     back

4.     descend

5.     evolve

6.     keep

7.     name

8.     resemble

9.     shed