The man who would be Trump (3) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







Mr Bolsonaro, previously a foul-mouthed congressional gadfly, was elected president in 2018 on a wave of anti-establishment fury. To pull off this unlikely feat, he had learned tricks from another foul-mouthed, widely underestimated outsider. The most important of these was the skilful and mendacious misuse of social media. He remains Brazil’s uncontested master of this, and has thus convinced his supporters of two things. First, that if he loses, it is evidence that the vote was unfair. Second, that a win for his main opponent, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, would hand Brazil to the devil. In the parallel reality that Mr Bolsonaro has constructed, a President Lula would shut down Brazilian churches, turn the country into a narco-state and encourage boys to wear dresses.



第1文Mr Bolsonaro, previously a foul-mouthed congressional gadfly, was elected president in 2018 on a wave of anti-establishment fury.

この文はMr BolsonaroがS、previouslyからgadflyは、文頭にwho wasが省略されている非制限用法の関係代名詞節と解釈でき、was electedがV、presidentがC、in 2018とonから文末までがともにMという構造です。



第2文 To pull off this unlikely feat, he had learned tricks from another foul-mouthed, widely underestimated outsider.

この文はtoからfeatまでがM、heがS、had learnedがV、tricksから文末までがOという構造になっています。had learnedと過去完了になっていますから、大統領選の前に行われていたことを現します。



第3文 The most important of these was the skilful and mendacious misuse of social media.



この文は「より具体的にはどのようなことを意味するのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開をその後で行っていることが確認できるのでtopic sentence(第2パラグラフの第4文から見るとsub-topic sentence)であると判断することができます。


第4文 He remains Brazil’s uncontested master of this, and has thus convinced his supporters of two things.




第5文 First, that if he loses, it is evidence that the vote was unfair.

この文は、firstというdiscourse markerの直後にthat節だけがある構造になっています。結果的にa first of the two things is that…と書くのと同じ結果になっています。



第6文 Second, that a win for his main opponent, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, would hand Brazil to the devil.




第7文 In the parallel reality that Mr Bolsonaro has constructed, a President Lula would shut down Brazilian churches, turn the country into a narco-state and encourage boys to wear dresses.

この文はinからconstructedまでがM、a President LulaがS、wouldが共通の助動詞でshut downからの動詞句とturnからの動詞句とencourageからの動詞句とがA, B and Cのパターンで組み合わさっています。a President Lulaとaをつけることで、本人ではなく、本人の特徴を持つ人を指しています。




ここで第4パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文と第2文がtransition sentencesで、第3文がtopic sentenceで、第4文から第7文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。





This is nonsense. Lula is a pragmatic leftist and was a fairly successful president between 2003 and 2010. Buoyed by a commodities boom, he presided over rising incomes and a big expansion of the welfare state. The boom collapsed after he left office, and his successor and protégée, Dilma Rousseff, was impeached amid a vast corruption scandal dating back years. Lula himself was found guilty of taking bribes, though his convictions were later thrown out and he denies wrongdoing. In short, he is far from the ideal candidate, but he is squarely within the realm of the normal—and he is a supporter of democracy.



第1文This is nonsense.



この文は「なぜそのようなことが言えるのか」という疑問を喚起し、その疑問を解消するような議論展開がその後に行われていることが確認できるので、topic sentenceであると判断することができます。


第2文 Lula is a pragmatic leftist and was a fairly successful president between 2003 and 2010.




第3文 Buoyed by a commodities boom, he presided over rising incomes and a big expansion of the welfare state.

この文はbuoyedからboomまでがbeingの省略された分詞構文でM、heがS、presided overがV、risingから文末までがOという構造です。この文で使われるcommoditiesは「商品」と訳されますが、実態は付加価値の低い量産のできる主に1次産品からなるものです。



第4文 The boom collapsed after he left office, and his successor and protégée, Dilma Rousseff, was impeached amid a vast corruption scandal dating back years.




第5文 Lula himself was found guilty of taking bribes, though his convictions were later thrown out and he denies wrongdoing.

この文はLula himselfがS、was foundがV、guilty of taking bribesがC、thoughから文末までが譲歩節でMという構造になっています。



第6文 In short, he is far from the ideal candidate, but he is squarely within the realm of the normal—and he is a supporter of democracy.

この文はin shortがM、heがS、isがV、farからcandidateまでがC、butから重文構造の後半部で、heがS、isがV、squarelyからnormalまでがC、andの後ろにSVCの文が補足説明として付け加えられています。




ここで第5パラグラフは終了です。このパラグラフは、第1文がtopic sentenceで、第2文から第6文がそのsupportであると判断することができます。