早大法学部2022年I問題文解説 (5) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







When white feminists show how beauty standards over time have changed, from the “curvier” Marilyn Monroe to the skeletal Twiggy to the synthetic-athletic Pamela Anderson, their archetypes belie beauty’s true function: whiteness. Whiteness exists as a response to blackness. Whiteness is a violent sociocultural regime that always seeks to dictate who is black by carefully defining who is officially white. It would stand to reason that beauty’s ultimate function is to exclude blackness. That beauty also violently conditions white women and precludes the existence of gender nonconforming people is a bonus. Some of the white girls I went to high school with may not have been beautiful. But, should power need them to be, social, economic, and political forces could make those girls beautiful by reshaping social norms. As long as the beautiful people are white, what is beautiful at any given time can be renegotiated without redistributing capital from white to non-white people.



第1文When white feminists show how beauty standards over time have changed, from the “curvier” Marilyn Monroe to the skeletal Twiggy to the synthetic-athletic Pamela Anderson, their archetypes belie beauty’s true function: whiteness.

この文はwhenからAndersonまでが時を表す副詞節でM、their archetypesがS、belieがV、beauty’s true functionがOという構造になっています。




第2文 Whiteness exists as a response to blackness.




第3文 Whiteness is a violent sociocultural regime that always seeks to dictate who is black by carefully defining who is officially white.

この文はwhitenessがS、isがV、a violent sociocultural regimeが先行詞で、thatから文末までが関係代名詞節で、両方を合わせてCという構造になっています。




第4文 It would stand to reason that beauty’s ultimate function is to exclude blackness.




第5文 That beauty also violently conditions white women and precludes the existence of gender nonconforming people is a bonus.

この文はthatからpeopleまでがthat節でS、isがV、a bonusがCという構造になっています。Sの中を詳しく見てみると、beautyがS、conditionsからの動詞句とprecludesからの動詞句とがandで組み合わされて述部を構成しています。



第6文 Some of the white girls I went to high school with may not have been beautiful.



第7文 But, should power need them to be, social, economic, and political forces could make those girls beautiful by reshaping social norms.

この文はshouldからbeまでが疑問文の語順によってifが省略された条件節でMでif power should need them to be (beautiful)という意味、socialからforcesがS、could makeがV、those girlsがO、beautifulがC、byから文末までが手段を表す前置詞句でMという構造になっています。political forcesの直前のandは、厳密には、命令文の形式ではないので不要です(命令文+andでif節の代理をするという形式はここでは適用されていないのです)。


このsocial, economic, and political forcesの総体をcapitalのようなものと筆者が使っていることは言うまでもありません。


第8文 As long as the beautiful people are white, what is beautiful at any given time can be renegotiated without redistributing capital from white to non-white people.

この文はas long asからwhiteまでが条件節でM、what is beautiful at any given timeがS、can be renegotiatedがV、withoutから文末までがMという構造になっています。


このcapitalをsocial, economic, and political forcesと置き換えても意味が通ることを確認してください。

