早大法学部2022年I問題文解説 (6) | 英語学習雑感ブログ







We have yet to flesh out a theory of desirability in black feminist theory or politics. That Lupita N’yongn, a dark-skinned Kenyan-Mexican actress, was chosen as People magazine’s “Most beautiful Woman” in 2014 does not invalidate the reality for many dark-skinned black women any more than Mark Zuckerberg making a billion dollars as a college dropout invalidates the value of college for millions. Indeed, any system of oppression must allow exceptions to validate itself as meritorious. How else will those who are oppressed by the system internalize their own oppression? This is what I did not yet understand when I was watching Ms. Newton-John: I was not beautiful and could never – no matter what was in fashion to serve the interests of capital and power – become beautiful. That was the theory trapped in my bones when I left for my mecca, an HBCU.



第1文We have yet to flesh out a theory of desirability in black feminist theory or politics.




第2文 That Lupita N’yongn, a dark-skinned Kenyan-Mexican actress, was chosen as People magazine’s “Most beautiful Woman” in 2014 does not invalidate the reality for many dark-skinned black women any more than Mark Zuckerberg making a billion dollars as a college dropout invalidates the value of college for millions.




第3文 Indeed, any system of oppression must allow exceptions to validate itself as meritorious.




第4文 How else will those who are oppressed by the system internalize their own oppression?

この文はthose who are oppressed by the systemがS、will internalizeがV、their own oppressionがOという構造になっています。



第5文 This is what I did not yet understand when I was watching Ms. Newton-John:




第6文 I was not beautiful and could never – no matter what was in fashion to serve the interests of capital and power – become beautiful.




第7文 That was the theory trapped in my bones when I left for my mecca, an HBCU.









My first night as a college freshman at my HBCU, I ordered a pizza. The young man who delivered it stared at me too long before he handed the pizza over. I snapped and grabbed my pizza. As I did, he muttered something about my phone number. I would date him off and on for a decade. As I walked back into the lobby of my dorm, I turned just as the pizza guy caught the eye of our dorm supervisor, an older black man. The man gave him a look like the one the teacher had once given the too-tall boy overtaken by Olivia Newton-John’s spandexes thighs. I was Sandy!



第1文My first night as a college freshman at my HBCU, I ordered a pizza.

この文はmyからHBCUまでが時を表す副詞句でM、IがS、orderedがV、a pizzaがOという構造になっています。



第2文 The young man who delivered it stared at me too long before he handed the pizza over.




第3文 I snapped and grabbed my pizza.





第4文 As I did, he muttered something about my phone number.





第5文 I would date him off and on for a decade.




第6文 As I walked back into the lobby of my dorm, I turned just as the pizza guy caught the eye of our dorm supervisor, an older black man.

この文はasからdormまでが時を表す副詞節でM、IがS、turnedがV、just asから文末までがMという構造になっています。




第7文 The man gave him a look like the one the teacher had once given the too-tall boy overtaken by Olivia Newton-John’s spandexes thighs.




第8文 I was Sandy!





He was an Einstein.


He was Einstein.





At this institution, I could be a kind of beautiful: normal, normative, and taken for granted as desirable. It is one of the many reasons that I love my HBCU*. Not because I got a few phone numbers or had a few boyfriends, but because I wasn’t being defined by a standard of beauty that, by definition, could not include someone who looked like me.



第1文At this institution, I could be a kind of beautiful:




第2文 normal, normative, and taken for granted as desirable.

この文はI could beが文頭に省略されていると解釈できます。



第3文 It is one of the many reasons that I loved my HBCU*.




第4文 Not because I got a few phone numbers or had a few boyfriends, but because I wasn’t being defined by a standard of beauty that, by definition, could not include someone who looked like me.

この文はnot because A but because Bの構造だけからなり、文頭にI loved my HBCUが繰り返しを嫌って省略されています。


whiteness = beautyという呪縛から開放された喜びを示しています。







