English【2017年特別企画!毎月インタビュー 】らぼって いいとも10月号【Kevin | グッスマらぼ



Hello everyone! It's Ren(gsc_ren) from the Planning Division :)



Same as the title,



 \第9回 「らぼって いいとも!」 でございます!/

It's the Monthly Interview!













第1回 ゲスト:カホタン先輩(企画部)

第2回 ゲスト:ゆんさん(製造部)

第3回 ゲスト:ムラカミさん(営業部)

第4回 ゲスト:N(エヌ)さん(デザイン室)

第5回 ゲスト:ホリコシさん(企画部・MDチーム)

第6回 ゲスト:ダイズさん(新規事業部・ヘッドフォンチーム)

第7回 ゲスト:いわびつさん(制作部)

第8回 ゲスト:けーじぇいさん(広報宣伝部)

第9回 ゲスト: 鳥バード先輩(企画部)


前回の鳥バード先輩がケビンさん(gsc_kevin) に交代しました!









らぼブログ  初の英語記事......  になりますね!!! 



日本語【2017年特別企画!毎月インタビュー 】らぼって いいとも10月号!【Kevin】






レンちゃん:  Ren

ケビンさん:   Kevin



Ren: OK, let's start! I know Kevin had several interviews in tha past,so I will ask you something else. But still, short self-introduction please!

P.S. Here are the interviews of Kevin from the past
Kevin: OK, I'm Kevin, I was born in SOUTH AFRICA.
When I was 14, I watched my first anime martian successor nadesico (機動戦艦ナデシコ). Because I really enjoy that anime, I started to watch more, and I become loving Japanese.
Then I decided to work in Japan, and so I did!
Kevin: I got the job from Good Smile Company, and since then I've been working here.
Ren: So Good smile's job is your very first job in Japan ?! Surprised!
Ren: OK! Now let's get into more personal questions. I know Kevin loves games. So can you tell me anything about games, like the recent ones you like?

Kevin:  Recently, Horizon Zero Dawn and League of Legends. I've been playing LOL for 7 years, it's one of those games I've never got bored with.

Ren: LOL! We do have nendoroid right?
    ▲Nendoroid Ahri            ▲Nendoroid Ezreal
These are been sold at Riot Games Merch Store
Kevin has one Nendoroid Ahri too!
Ren: One more question about games!What is the very first game that brought you to the world of game?
Kevin: Megaman! I started play it when I was about 6 or 7, and I've played each of them for over 100 times.
Ren: 100 times! Megaman... We do have Nendoroid as well, and which is the one you like the most?
Kevin: The original one!
Kevin: Even now I listen to thes soundtrack.
Ren: Now! Good music never fades..
Ren: OK next topic, Cats! I also know Kevin loves cats, so question! How many cats do you have?
Kevin: Back in South Africa three, and another one in Japan.
Ren: 3+1 !? Can I see the pictures of them?
Kevin: Sure
Ririn (In Japan)
Ren: So adorable!! and for Mira, is she on a tree? Cats in South Africa play outside and don't run away?
Kevin: Most cats are outdoor cats. Cats remember their homes. They always come back ^^. Sometimes I feel bad to always keep Ririn inside...
Ren: That's....so different from cats in China or Japan. 勉強になりました....!
What's bothering Kevin?
Ren: OK final question! Since it's not quite usual to talk in English like now, anything related to English that's bothering you?


Kevin: Well..I feel I have little time to speak in English. Somtimes I also don't know what the word is in English. It's eaiser to express in Japanese. Also it's hard to play TRPG (Tabletalk role-playing game) in Japanese!
Ren: How come! What's the difference between role playing in English and role play ing in Japanese?
Kevin: For example, if I want to role play a Russian character, I can manipulate a Russian accent, which makes my role play more real. In Japanese.... I can't...
Ren: Ah...Got it! 確かに......the accent... Maybe we should play Dungeons and Dragons together next time!




Message for Lab Members
Ren: Finally! Please say something to the Lab members!
Japanese or English, both ok!
Kevin:   Messageか!



Your Life comes first!

Have Fun,

Play Games!

Ren:  Play Games!!! Yeah! Thank you Kevin! for your time here! and now it's time to call our next guest!
Who is Kevin calling...
この方は?......まだ  "Confidential"です!
次回の「らぼって いいとも」で公開しますので
~概念摘出 激辛麻婆豆腐(麺)~
もえぴー先輩より、ねんどろ大地さんのご紹介です!Must Read!




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