日清ラ王柚子しお | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


日清ラ王柚子しおです。つやぷり もっちもち麺です。
Good day.
As you know, I love noodles. NISSIN RAOH is one of the major instant ramen noodles with high quality. I bought the new one, salt soup RAOH with Yuzu, Japanese citrus, flavor. RAOH's ramen noodle is smooth and chewy texture like real ramen noodles at a ramen noodle restaurant.

I cooked this with bean sprouts and sliced Japanese green onions and put black pepper onto this. It was very good. If you found this, it might be good to buy as long as you prefer light taste soup ramen noodles.

This is The PREMIUM MALT'S Seaside Ale.
The light, fruity and refreshing taste is definitely good for beach.

This is the preferred beer of Yanagibashi-san, SAPPORO LAGER BEER. They say that this is JAPAN'S OLDEST BEER BRAND. It tastes classic, I think and I don't prefer.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice weekend! I'm going back Tokyo tonight.