浜松出張⑥ 出世横丁 | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day.
We finished our task of Saturday, and went to drink together. We got to the central area for drinking, called Yurakugai. This was a kind of social gathering with people in other companies in the same industry.

We got into Shusse Yokocho (means a street for promotion).

This restaurant was separated in several areas of foods, Okonomiyaki Japanese pan cake, grilled seafoods, gyoza dumpling, yakitori chicken skewer. We decided to go to the grilled seafoods area.
This is a grilled oyster. It was very good.



I drank a mega jug highball as usual. Here provides a game using dices, you can drink a mega jug drink if you make an odd number by two dices.

We were surprised the number of young people in the restaurant. Usually in Tokyo and Osaka, more than half of people in Izakaya restaurants are Ossan (middle aged men). But there, approximately 70% of people were young.

二軒目、大衆ビストロ ジモンです。ジモンの最強レモンサワー!コーンフリットも美味しかったです。このお店も若者しかいない!
We changed the place to drink to public bistro JIMON near Hamamatsu station. The JIMON's Saikyo (awesome of strongest) Lemon Sour was amazing, much fresh lemons in it. You can order just sour with your remains lemons in the glass as cheaper price.
In this restaurant, most of people were young as well.

Hamamatsu city looked lively with young people. As you know, Japan is super aged society but Hamamatsu city is still in well balance among generations and still developing. I think this city is very good to live but there may be some security problems by young people, I looked many kind of rough looking young guys.

地ビールレストラン マイン・シュロス。残念ながら終了していました。いい感じ♪
This is a craft beer restaurant Mein Schloss. The atmosphere looked very good. It was already closed unfortunately.

I drank SAPPRO SHIZUOKA BAKUSHU at the hotel after taking a bath.
It was a very good social gathering, we exchanged our knowledge each other including light secret topics in each company. It was a fruitful drinking party.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice weekend! Enjoy a Romen Day.