【映画】リトル・ガール | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.




Good day.

I watched LITTLE GIRL on Netflix. I thought that I would have liked to improve my English listening skills through watching this movie. However, this was a French movie and had only Japanese subtitles. In the English practice perspective, I wasted time.

The story of this movie, based on the real story, was about a boy who is a transgender, male physically but female mentally. I know well and fully support LGBT concept. However, I was curious about a scene that he/she and his/her mother met a doctor in consultation. The doctor said to the mother, "You were not wrong and you didn't make any mistake about you had expected a new baby as a girl. Your expectation and behaviors could have not affect him/her at all". It is correct? Children tend to meet parents' expectations unconsciously. I think her expectation and behaviors in his babyhood might have affected his personality. I know it may be his natural personality, of course. This kind of gender identity mismatch is complicated.

Anyway, I have something to mention on this movie but Japanese including me would be conservative basically in terms of traditions and gender standards. I was happy to know thoughts about gender in a foreign country.


Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!


Have you heard the deterioration of security in Ecuador? Japanese media introduced the topic recently. I asked tutor from Ecuador about this yesterday, but he mentioned that he didn't know that at all. He said that he spends his 90% time at home and he doesn't know the security issues in his town.

We all tend to think about something exaggeratedly and typically. For instance, big earthquake hit to Noto peninsula this year but most of Japan is not affected at all. We shouldn't think an issue in other country as national issue.