鳥取県戦利品② | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hello there, I'm glad you're here.
I would like to introduce you guys about what I bought in Tottori prefecture again.
This is a local craft beer of Tottori, Daisen G Beer.
Many breweries say that its advantage and characteristics of their alcohol like sake, beer and whiskey is because of a good natural water in the place. Kumezakura Daisen Brewery, brewing this beer, also says that. This beer was good and tasted like standard pilsner.

これは地酒、諏訪泉 杉の雫です。純米吟醸ですが結構古臭い、日本酒らしい味がします。最近流行りのフルーティーって感じではないですが悪くないです。
This is a Japanese sake, SUWAIZUMI SUGI-no-SHIZUKU. This sake is Junmai Ginjo but tasted like traditional sake, not modern sake with fruity aroma. My wife said that she prefers this kind of traditional taste.
By the way, this label of mushrooms looks good and attractive.
This is dried udon noodles produced by wheat harvested in Tottori prefecture. This product is a part of Daisen Komugi Project. I haven't known the Daisen Komugi Project at all. It seems that this project was started in 2010 that aims to produce special wheat in Tottori prefecture.
My wife cooked us a zaru-udon noodles. The noodle looked produced by whole wheat grain because I saw several brown dots in noodles. Its texture and taste were, to be honest, usual.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post.
I am going back to Osaka tonight because I have to deal with my father's discharge. I offered my day-off on Friday already.