飲んだもの以外に書くことが無い | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
I have nothing special to write besides alcohol drinks. I drink everyday but I don't want you to misunderstand that I am an alcoholic.
I drank this Spanish beer, Mahau SESSION IPA. This was my first time to drink Spanish IPA. I realized that the trend of Craft Beer is common all around the world. This cool package attracted me very much.

This is THORNBRIDGE JAIPUR IPA that is brewed in England. It seems that THRONBRIDGE JAIPUR is one of the popular Craft Beers in the UK. JAIPUR is the name of city in India where is located in northern India and closed from New Delhi. IPA is the abbreviation of India Pale Ale which means a strong ale to keep its quality for several months from England to India in the Age of Discovery 15th century to 17th century.
This Sakura Shiranami, Japanese spirit that is distilled by sweet potatoes. This was very fruity that I can't think it is shochu. This bottled shochu was adjusted as 12% of alcohol content, so it is drinkable.
This is a canned KANNOKO Highball. KANNOKO is the barrel aged Japanese shochu. I like this very much. This has rich barrel flavor like whisky but slightly different from whisky. This was amazing, I fully recommend you this canned KANNOKO highball.
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a nice day!
English lesson review.
Japanese Yen has reached its lowest value in 20 years. There are many possible reasons of the phenomenon but the most contributor is definitely the Japan's strategy of its interest rate at zero. It is really complicated problem, right? Japan has a financial issue, the annual budget rely on debt to deal with the social security system in super aging society and COVID problems. If the Bank of Japan changed the strategy, Japan's burden of repayment of debt would be skyrocket. It looks everyone try to ignore the situation Japan's financial situation rely on debt. Why doesn't everyone try to consider next generation including your children?
What are your thoughts about an annual budget of Japan?