【干しそばの旅】信州戸隠二八そば | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
I bought Shinshu Togakushi Nihachi Soba. The dried soba noodle product features Nihachi (produced by 80% of buckwheat flour) and its buckwheat were harvested in Nagano prefecture. These features sound like high-end dried soba noodle product, right? This is the private brand of the chain super market LIFE, but it is produced by OBINATA which is one of the major dried soba noodle factories.
I ate Nihachi no Kiwami recently, which is also produced by OBINATA, the difference is only buckwheat is harvested abroad.

I cooked it as cold soba noodles because cold soba noodles are easy to grab the characteristics and taste of soba noodles, and also I ate Nihachi no Kiwami as cold soba noodles.
It was very good. I felt the soba noodle had rich soba flavor and good crisp texture. But it might be from a bias of mine.
Specialists say there are many biases.
  1. Cognitive bias
  2. Prejudices
  3. Contextual bias
  4. Unconscious or implicit bias
  5. Statistical bias
This my case was definitely one of the cognitive bias. I already knew this dried soba noodle product has the feature such as 80% of domestic harvested buckwheat flour before I ate. The cognitive information would have affected my review.
I cooked hot soba noodles as well by using the dried soba noodle product. I didn't have much time so I cooked croquette soba noodles using a croquette which was keeping in my freezer.
I felt again that the soba noodles had rich soba flavor and good texture. But it was also from my bias. Blinded comparison is a good way to compare something. This was can remove biases. I should have compared the taste between Nihachi no Kiwami and Shinshu Togakushi Nihachi Soba in blinded setting.
Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial is the best way to confirm efficacy and safety of medicines as gold standard. Science requires to remove any biases as possible. It would be better to be aware of your biases in your daily life such like when you watch news programs.
Thanks for reading my blog. Have a nice day!