天ぷらたっぷりそば | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


で、もちろんお蕎麦を作ります(笑) 海老天、イカ天、ナス天、オクラ天、サツマイモ天、春菊天でお腹いっぱい。ゲプえーん
Hi there, how are you doing?
I bought an assorted tempura at the grocery store on the way home from the office, and cooked tempura soba noodles. I reported how good a dashi-pack of Kaneshichi is on my blog. The important thing is that you use two packs into 450 to 500 mL of hot water. I would write down again, a dashi pack of Kaneshichi contains dried bonito, dried small sardine, dried horse mackerel, dried shiitake mushroom and dried kombu seaweed. Kaneshichi doesn't recommend this for soba soup but it was good for soba soup as long as using two packs into 450 mL hot water. Anyway, this assorted tempura had too much amount to me, it has shrimp tempura, squid tempura, sweet potato tempura, shungiku tempura, eggplant tempura and okra tempura. To be honest, the squid tempura had strange rotten smell. I experienced that some times from squid tempura that I bought at the same grocery store. I won't buy it again.
I was full very much. 
イギリスのI.P.A. JAIPUR。だいぶ昔に飲んだので味忘れちゃいました(笑)
This is JAIPUR, the imported beer that was brewed in England. JAIPUR is the name of the city in India. I forgot the taste of beer because I drank it several weeks before. I am not sure but it was good as well as other I.P.A.

This is the AEON private brand TOPVALU beer, Premium Draft Pilsner. This beer is brewed by SAPPRO Breweries. It was better than I expected. It was cheaper by 10 yen than other beers. Do you think 10 yen cheaper price in one canned beer is worthy of choice it?
SUNTORYのTOKYO CRAFT I.P.A。レシピは毎年アップデートされてるみたいです。この味のIPAでこの値段なら文句なしです。
This is SUNTORY TOKYO CRAFT I.P.A. I tried it many times but it seems it is updating every year. It is an ordinary I.P.A. but it is the only I.P.A you can buy for 200 yen. This IPA definitely deserves more expensive price.
This is Kozuru Kuro. It is the Japanese shochu spirit that was distilled by sweet potatoes with black yeast. This is good as well as other Imo Shochu. I bought it for special discount price at the grocery store probably because its distilled date was such months before. But do you know every spirits don't have any expired date?
This is a Japanese sake, GOKYO which was brewed in Yamaguchi prefecture. I got to know GOKYO when I had a business trip to Yamaguchi prefecture. I was into that from that. This GOKYO is Junmai without heat sterilization. I love this fresh and fruity taste.
Thank you for reading my blog. Have a nice day!
English lesson review.
The tutor yesterday was from Saint Lucia, one of the Caribbean countries. They have two languages, English and Creole. English is a lingua franca and the official language. Creole is a mixture of French and indigenous language. He doesn't speak Creole well because he doesn't have any opportunity to speak that. He said enderly people in rural area speak only Creole but most of people in Saint Lucia speak English.
Saint Lucia is already opening the border to many countries such like the US, Canada, some European countries and of course CARICOM countries. It seems many countries are on the post COVID phase and are trying to get back the normal life as before COVID. It looks Japan is going to do so but little bit delay.