藤原製麺 だし麺 北海道産帆立貝柱だし塩ラーメン | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
I found new ramen noodle products by Fujiwara noodle factory, at Natural LAWSON. I like ramen soup made by kind of clams. So, I bought this one, Dashi Men Salt Ramen noodles with soup of adductor muscle of scallop of Hokkaido.
You can look at the clear soup. The soup tastes very good. Of course, the noodles by Fujiwara noodle factory were fantastic. Totally, I was satisfied with that.
According to the instruction to cook on the package, you can use the hot water using boiling the noodles to cook the soup. But I dared to use fresh hot water to cook the soup. I thrown the hot water that boiled the noodles away.
J-CRAFTのNew EnglandスタイルのIPAです。めっちゃジューシー!
It is a J-CRAFT HOPPING New England IPA of East Coast Style. It has rich hop aroma and fresh juicy taste like citrus. I love it. It is brewed by DHC brewery in Shizuoka prefecture.
Craft Beers are very good but these are too expensive to drink everyday.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!
I learned 'Indirect Questions'.
Direct questions and Indirect questions have different order of the word grammatically. It makes me confused. I don't have any other choices except of exercise more.
where, the nearest station
I would like to know where the nearest station is.
when, the next train
Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train is arrived?
how, ride the bus
Excuse me, could you tell me how I can ride the bus?
how, buy a bus ticket
Do you know how I can buy a bus ticket?
where, eat fish and chips
I would like to know where we can eat fish and chips.
where, nice pub near by
Excuse me, do you have any idea where I could find a nice pub near by?
where, the Globe Theatre
Could you happen to know where the Globe Theatre is?
I wonder if this kind of review after an online English class is effective to improve my English skills or not.