ホットスプーン 牛すじ煮込みカレー | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
Was it your last workday this year today? Or you have to work according on calendar, right?
I ate beef sinewy curry at Hot Spoon recently. I usually have a dinner at my flat, mainly I cook simple cuisine.

I often saw the Hot Spoon curry restaurant, a lot of people are waiting in line every time. The restaurant would be popular. I ordered a flagship curry, beef sinewy curry rice. I was happy the restaurant had Japanese leek pickles, I think it is really suitable with curry.
The curry was Japanese style taste, not Indian or Thai style curry. It was good, but I am not sure why the curry restaurant is popular because it was not special except of big beef sinewy. The traditional taste might be accepted for ordinary people. But I prefer genuine Indian or Thai curry.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice weekend.