指揮者のラルフ・ヴァイケルト氏からお礼のメール | ベイのコンサート日記




Subject: Thanks

Dear Mr.Bay,

It was a great pleasure and a wonderful surprise to see you last night.
Pitty that we had an appointment after the performance, I would have loved
to stay with you and to talk about so many things. I remember our
interesting conversation in the Metro many years ago. May be we find an
opportunity to meet at our next stay in Tokyo at the end of February.
Once more many thanks for the wonderful champagne, we will enjoy it!

Hoping to hear from you, kind regards
Yours Ralf Weikert


Dear Maestro Weikert,

Thank you so much for your warm and thoughtful message. I was so happy to
see you last night. I didn’t have an opportunity to visit your concert when
you conducted NHK Symphony Orchestra this year due to my situation.
I wish we could meet again next year at the New Japan Philharmonic’s
concert. I booked the ticket on Saturday afternoon 28th February.

Yesterday’s your performance was magnificent, as you controlled the singers
and the orchestra perfectly. I thought that if I had been a singer, I would
have been very grateful to you,because you helped and supported the singer to sing easily. You always gave explicit direction not only to the singers but also to the orchestra.

I’ve been writing the concert reviews for the Music Pen Club Japan’s web
site.I would like to contribute the review of last night. I will send you the
article in English later.

I wish your great success of “Don Giovanni” on Friday and Sunday.
Toi toi toi!

With best wishes to you and your wife.
Yours sincerely