Ref.>"40年間行方不明だった極左過激派組織「革労協主流派」メンバーの女を逮捕 ⇒ ネットの反応「紙の保険証にこだわる連中の謎がとけた w」"
>"立憲民主党の野田代表と日本維新の会の吉村代表「野党の候補者一本化を進める方針で一致」 吉村代表「一人区での一本化は絶対やるべきだ」⇒ ネットの反応「立憲や共産党にすがりつくところまで落ちたのか、維新 w」「立憲共産党の会になるんだな」"
>【一般ライブ】12/9 (月) 16:58~17:40【マンデーバスターズ】ほんこん×saya×門田隆将×高橋洋一
Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 12/9)
> 来夏の参院選1人区で基本政策が異なる立憲との "談合"に向かう日本維新の会の吉村洋文執行部。
> 前原誠司氏を共同代表にしただけでなく、岩盤支持層に背を向け、野合の道を選択。
> 先の総選挙で維新が約 300万票減らし、国民民主党が約 360万票増やした意味も分らない愚。
> ただ絶句
In the single-seat constituencies for the Upper House general election next summer, the JIP executive team is heading for a "collusion" with the CDPJ, which has different fundamental policies.
Not only making LH lawmaker Seiji Maehara be appointed co-leader, but it has also turned its backs on its core supporters and has chosen the path of collusive agreement.
It's foolish for them not to understand why the JIP lost about 3 million votes in the previous general election, while the DPfP gained about 3.6 million.
Just speechless.
>"「立民に駆逐される」 維新、参院選で予備選実施主張も党内に異論根強く分裂の芽にも"
> クルド人問題、そして日本の移民大国化問題を告発し続けるジャーナリストの石井孝明氏が『>"埼玉クルド人問題"』(ハート出版)を刊行。
>「日本の今後 50年を考える超重要問題で、今、国民的議論をしなければならない問題」と石井氏。
> なぜ日本を移民大国化させてはならないのか。
> すべてが凝縮された力作
Takaaki Ishii, Journalist who has continuously been exposing the Kurdish issue and the problem of Japan becoming an immigration powerhouse, has published "The Saitama Kurdish Issue" (Heart Publishing).
"It's a very important issue when we think about the next 5 decades of Japan, and it's an issue that needs the national discussion now," says Ishii.
Why must Japan not become an immigration powerhouse?
Everything is condensed into this powerful work.