Ref.>"蓮舫が当選したら朝鮮学校を無償化へ 前川喜平氏が明言"




>【櫻LIVE】第608回 - 石橋文登・政治ジャーナリスト・千葉工大特別教授 × 有元隆志・産経新聞月刊『正論』発行人・調査室長 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/16)


> 正しいです。
You have a point.



> 小林興起氏が都知事選出馬を立候補を見送り、外苑の再開発について「『神宮の森を切るな』をやってくれるなら、田母神氏に頑張ってほしい」と述べる。
> なんかズレてんなあ。
> 田母神さんが外苑再開に反対に回る?

Former LH lawmaker Koki Kobayashi has decided not to run for the Tokyo gubernatorial election. Regarding the redevelopment of the (* Jingu) Gaien, he said that "If he does [don't cut down the Jingu forest], I want Tabogami to do his best."
He seems something slip off.
Will Tamogami oppose to redevelopment of the Gaien?

>"東京都知事選挙 小林興起 元衆院議員が立候補を見送り"


> 蓮舫氏を支援する市民集会に前川喜平氏が登壇し、「蓮舫氏が当選した場合は朝鮮学校無償化をやる」と明言。
> → 都政はどこに行った?

> さらに、共産都議は「蓮舫氏が怖くて人が辞めていくのは全くの事実無根だ。立民議員の中で最もホワイトな事務所だ。蓮舫さんは人情家で優しい人だ」と持ち上げる。
> → 元夫や息子に同じこと言えんの?

Kihei Maekawa appeared at a citizens' rally to support Renho. He said that "If Renho is elected, she will make Korean schools free of charge."
* Does it have sometiong to do with the metropolitan administration?

Furthermore, a KCP metropolitan assembly member praised her, saying that "It's completely groundless that staff members have been quitting because they're afraid of Renho. Of all the CDPJ lawmakers, it's the most whity office. Renho is a kind and compassionate person."
* Can you say the same to her ex-husband and the son?

>"前川喜平氏「小池百合子氏は中身空っぽ」 蓮舫氏支援集会が過熱 革新都政再来への期待も"


> 慰安婦問題の虚偽は、朝日新聞や毎日新聞や NHKなどのメディア、福島瑞穂氏などの左翼政治家、吉見義明氏などの反日スタンスの学者の三者が支え合い、これに反論の言論を封じようとする司法が加わって、広まり固定化したと考えられる。
> 悪質だ。

When it comes to falsehood of CW issue, it can be thought that it has been spread and fixed due to that three entities -- mass media such as The Asahi Shimbun, Mainich Shimbun and NHK, leftist politicians such as Mizuho Fukushima and anti-Japan stance scholars such as Yoshiaki Yoshimi -- have mutually supported, and judiciary attempting to suppress counter-argument speeches has joined.
It's malicious.

