Ref.>"Opposition leader blasts prosecution over new indictment against him"

>"N. Korean military's construction activities spotted inside DMZ: source"

>"韓国メディアは卑劣にも完黙。文在寅が「レーダー照射の事実を隠蔽しろ」と指示 -- 反論しないのか"

>"慰安婦問題「最終結論」 韓国の朱益鍾(チュイクチョン)博士「慰安婦の『強制連行』や『性奴隷』といった『捏造(ねつぞう』を広げた人たちは責任をとってもらいたい」⇒ネットの反応「朝日新聞、福島みずほ、呼ばれてるぞ」"


> ベルリン市長の撤去発言支持記者会見 駐韓国ドイツ大使館前から生配信

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "I want those who spread the fabrication to take responsibility" = Dr. Joo Ik-jong in S. Korea, author of the "final conclusion" of CW issue, expressed so


>『>"反日種族主義「慰安婦問題」最終結論"』(文芸春秋)を出版した韓国の朱益鍾(チュイクチョン)博士(経済学)が15日、東京都内で講演し、慰安婦を巡る「強制連行」や「性奴隷」といった言説は「捏造」だとした上で、日韓の研究者や活動家らを念頭に「約 30年の一世代の間にいろんな詐欺の話を広げた人たちは責任をとってもらいたい」と語った。
On June 15, Dr. Joo Ik-jong (Economics) in S. Korea, author of the book "Anti-Japan Tribalism: The Final Conclusion of the Comfort Women Issue" (Bungeishunju, correct title in English is unknown), gave a lecture in Tokyo. After saying that discourses over comfort women such as "forceful taking away" and "sexual slavery" were "fabrication," he said that "I want those who spread all kinds of fraudulent stories over the course of one generation of about 3 decades to take responsibility," while taking Japanese and S. Korean researchers and activists in mind.

> 朱氏は講演で、日本の植民地下の朝鮮の女性が中国戦線の慰安所に赴く場合は、親権者承諾書や戸籍謄本、印鑑証明書など家族の同意がなければ発行できない書類が必要だったことを指摘。
> 拉致や物理的な強制連行が「実際にはあり得なかった」と説明した。

In his lecture, Dr. Joo pointed out that if Korean women under Japanese colonial rule were to go to comfort stations on the Chinese front, they needed documents that could only be issued with the consent of their families -- letters of consent from parents, certified copies of family registers, seal certificates, etc.
He explained that abductions and physical forceful taking away were "actually impossible to be taken place."

> さらに慰安婦は「年季労働者」で、前借金の返済後は売り上げの 50~ 60%を得ていたことや、現在の価値で1億~2億円の貯金をした慰安婦がいたこと、終戦前に朝鮮に帰還していたことなどを説明。

He further explained that CW were "indentured laborers" who received 50 to 60% of sales after repaying their loans, some comfort women had savings worth \100 to 200 million in today's value, they returned to Korea before the end of the war, etc.
He said that "the sex-slaves theory doesn't hold up."

> また朱氏は、朝日新聞が、韓国・済州島で「慰安婦狩り」をしたとする吉田清治という人物の証言を報道したことが、慰安婦問題が「爆発的に広がる原因となった」ことや、朝日がそれらの報道を 2014年に「ようやく訂正した」ことを紹介。
> その上で強制連行、性奴隷説を広げた人物として吉見義明中央大名誉教授や戸塚悦朗弁護士の名前を挙げて「朝日は過去の過ちを認めたが、彼らに過去の発言や主張の過ちを認めることはできるのでしょうか」と語った。

In addition, Dr. Joo introduced that the cause of comfort women issue to have "spread explosively" was that the Asahi Shimbun reported the testimonies of a male named Seiji Yoshida, who claimed to have "hunted comfort women" on Jeju Island in S. Korea, and the Asahi Shimbun "finally corrected" those news reports in 2014.
Afterward, he named names of Prof. emeritus Yoshiaki Yoshimi at Chuo University and lawyer Etsuro Tozuka as persons who have spread sex-slaves theory, and said that "Even though the Asahi Shimbun acknowledged its fault in the past, can they acknowledge their faults in the remarks and assertions in the past?"