Ref.>"国民・玉木代表「ぜひ、乙武ひろただに 託してください。 よろしくお願いします!」→ 反応『玉木さん。残念です』『泣き芸かよ』"


>"『世界日報(統一教会)は日本保守党を応援します』というデマ ⇒ ネットの反応「世界日報へのリンクを貼っていないところがミソw 読まれると困るのかな? 日本保守党を応援してる記述なんて一切ない」「これ、訴訟を考えたほうが良い」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 4/27)


> 小池百合子知事が支援する乙武洋匡陣営だけ "大統領並み"警備になった信じ難い東京15区補選。
> 明確な "選挙の自由妨害罪"の公選法 225条違反を摘発できず、しかも小池氏の "私兵"と化した警視庁。
> 他の候補は放ったらかし?
> 都議会で問題にしようとしても与党多数で相手にもされない民主主義 "機能不全"の東京

The incredible Tokyo Constituency 15th by-election, where only the Hirotada Ototake camp supported by Gov. Yuriko Koike is guarded on "par with a president."
The Metropolitan Police Department has failed to expose a clear violation of Article 225 of the Public Office Election Law, which is a "crime of obstructing election freedom," and has turned into Koike's "private army."
Does (the police) leave the other candidates as they are!?
Even if someone attempts to raise the issue in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly, it won't be addressed because the ruling party has a majority where democracy is "dysfunctional" in Tokyo.



> 悪意ある切り取りが日本のマスコミの特徴。
> というより、それをしなければ批判ができない。
> 杉田水脈氏の "生産性が無い"、また "女性は嘘を付く"、安倍首相の "こんな人達に負ける訳にはいかない"も、全て悪意ある切り取りによって非難キャンペーンが張られていった。
> SNS時代に全てがバレて沈むマスコミ

Malicious cut-out is a characteristic of mass media in Japan.
Or rather, if it doesn't do that, it can't criticize.
All of LH lawmaker Mio Sugita's "unproductive" & "females lie" and PM Abe's "we can't afford to lose to persons like this" were carried out criticism campaigns by malicious cut-out.
In the social media period, everything is revealed and mass media has been sinking.



> CNNテレビにブリンケン米国務長官が11月の米大統領選に「中国が干渉しようとしている証拠がある。中国側には "やめろ"と明確に伝えた。断じて容認できない」と語った事が話題。
> 9月の自民党総裁選も中国からのあらゆる工作が…
> 日本は媚中政治家の政権たらい回しを阻止できるのか

It has become a topic that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said to CNN Television that >"We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere, and we want to make sure that that's cut off as quickly as possible.(...) Any interference by China in our election is something that we're looking very carefully at and is totally unacceptable to us. I can say that as a general matter, we've been very clear with China don't do it."
In the LDP presidential election in Sept. too, all the plots from China...
Will it be possible for Japan to block administrative rotation among "pro-China" politicians!?

>"「米大統領選の干渉やめろ」 ブリンケン国務長官、中国に伝達 米 CNN報道"


> 尖閣周辺での3回目の調査を敢行した中山義隆石垣市長。
> 山田吉彦東海大教授もご苦労様でした。
> だがいつまで国は上陸許可を出さないつもりか

Ishigaki Mayor Yoshitaka Nakayama conducted the 3rd survey around the Senkaku Islands.
Mayor Nakayama X-posted that "All previous surveys were done in winter, and we surveyed the south side of the island while avoiding northerly winds and waves. This time, we were able to survey from the north side. Although the island is a small dot on the map, it is a majestic island."
I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof. Yoshihiko Yamada of Tokai University for his hard work too.
However, how long does the central government intend not to issue a landing permission?
