Ref.>"「なぜ日本で暴動が起きないの?」→ 完璧な答えがこちら…"


> 衆院3補選全敗でも、「延命解散」の憶測広がる 選挙区支部長に活動費前倒し支給

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 4/27)


> 激戦の衆議院補選、錦織のりまさ候補の応援で
> 昨日の夕方から島根県入りしています。
> 事務所にお伺いして、陣営の皆さんを激励した後、駅前の街頭演説会場へ。
> 錦織候補は声もガラガラですが、皆さんに力強く政策を訴えてをおられます。
> 夜は女性の支援者の方を中心にミニ集会を開いていただき、私からも錦織候補への支援を呼びかけました。
> 急なお願いにも関わらず、お集まりくださった皆様に心から感謝です。
> 生前大変お世話になった、細田博之先生の後継者である錦織候補を絶対に当選させなければいけません!
> 選挙戦も残りわずかとなりましたが、島根1区にお住まいのお知り合いへの呼びかけをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

I have entered in Shimane Pref. since yesterday evening in order to support candidate Norimasa Nishikori in the hotly contested LH by-election.
After visiting the office and encouraging the staff of the camp, we headed to the street speech venue in front of the station.
Even though his voice was raspy, candidate Nishikori was strongly appealed his policy measures to everyone.
In the evening, a mini-meeting was held mainly by female supporters, and I also appealed for support for candidate Nishikori.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who gathered there despite the sudden request.
We must absolutely elect candidate Nishikori, the successor to late LH lawmaker Hiroyuki Hosoda (LDP), to whom I was supported so much during his lifetime!
Only a few days left in the election campaign, and thank you in advance for your calling for your acquaintances living in the Shimane Constituency 1st.

> キチンと取材していただけると真実がわかりますよ。

When I was bashed due to my remark of "unproductive," I spoke with concerned parties in various places, and they said "At first I trembled with anger, but when I read the whole article, it has a completely different impression. I feel like I was hurt by the mass media which did cut out reporting."
When I said "females lie," many females became my supporters after learning that my remark was intended to rescue sexually assaulted females, the exact opposite of what the media reported."
If you cover the cases properly, you will find out the truth.



> 竹島の日をはじめ、ちょくちょく来る島根県ですが、今日はお隣の鳥取県・米子鬼太郎空港から松江入りです👁️
> 昨年末から「>"鬼太郎誕生 ゲゲゲの謎"」にどハマり中なので、リニューアルオープンした水木しげる記念館にも行きたかったのですが、時間が取れそうにありません(涙)

Shimane Pref., to where I often visit, and today, I entered Matsue City from Yonago Kitaro Airport in the neighboring Tottori Pref.👁️
I have been crazy about "Birth of Kitaro -- The mystery of Gegege" since at the end of last year, I therefore wants to visit the renewally opened Shigeru Mizuki Museum, but it seems to be impossible to have time to do so (cry).
