Ref.>"【韓国】パリ五輪まで100日 金メダル5個前後を期待"


>"米政府、サムスンに補助金1兆円 先端半導体、研究施設も対象"

>"EDITORIAL | Free Speech Threatened by Hostility to Transgender Book"

> 慰安婦金学順の証言

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 4/15)


The acquittal of Prof. (* emeritus) Park Yu-ha at Sejong University, who was charged for defaming former comfort women in [Comfort Women of the Empire] sparked a flood of criticism in S. Korea.



> 中国で発生した一酸化炭素が韓国に大量に流入して、「もはや統制不可能なレベル」に達する。
> 大気汚染物質である一酸化炭素は体内に入ると血液の酸素運搬能力が低下して、呼吸困難になるリスクがある。

Carbon monoxide (CO) generated in China is flowing into S. Korea in large quantities, reaching the "level that are no longer controllable."
When CO, an air pollutant materila, enters the body, it reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and poses a risk of making breathing difficult.



> 立憲民主党が「性同一性障害特例法」の性別変更5要件のうち、次の3要件を削除する改正案の国会提出へ。


> 反対に考えると、男性の場合、「小さな子供がいて」「男性器と生殖能力があって」「筋肉隆々でも」性別が変更できるようにするということか。
> ある日、父親が子供に「父さんはお母さんと離婚して、女性として A君と結婚することにした」と言われて、困った子供が訴えてきたら、裁判所はどうすんのさ?
> あなたの党は責任とれるのか?

The CDPJ will submit an amendment bill to the Diet that deletes the following three requirements out of the five requirements for gender change in "Act on Special Provisions for Handling Gender for People with Gender Identity Disorder."

1) There are no minor children.
2) No gonads and permanently lacking reproductive function
3) Appearance is similar to the gender after the change

If you think about it the other way around, does this mean that men can change their gender even if "they have a small child," "have male genitalia and reproductive capacity" and are "muscular"?
One day, if a father says to his child that "Dad has decided to divorce your mother and marry my girlfriend "A" as a female," and the child in difficulty sues him, what will the court do?
Can your party take responsibility for that?

>"性別変更、3要件削除を検討 立民・長妻氏"


> イスラエル防衛ではアイアンドームと、中距離ミサイル迎撃のアロー3がほぼ完全に国土を守った。
> イスラエルの防衛システムは本当にすごいが、ハマスのローテク攻撃にやられたのは、情報戦での失敗。

When it comes to Israel's defense, "Iron Dome" and the medium-range missile interceptor "Arrow 3"almost completely defended the country.
Israel's defense system is really great. On the other hand, the reason why it was damaged by the Hamas's low-tech attack was a failure in information warfare.

>"What Weapons Did Israel Use to Block Iran's Attack?"


> 中国からのインバウンドで潤うのはいいが、中国人はそのインバウンドを当て込んで、日本に投資をして、「中国人→中国人」とお金が流れる商業システムを作る。結果、日本人が除外されて、あたかも日本の中に別の国が出来るようになる。
> 日本が目指す「多様化」はこんなものではないはず。
> 定義をチャンとすべき。

It's good to be enriched by inbound tourism from China. However, Chinese persons will take advantage of this inbound tourism, invest in Japan, and create a commercial system where money flows "from Chinese to Chinese."
As a result, Japanese persons will be excluded, while as if another country will be established within Japan.
The "diversification" that Japan aims for should not be like this.
We should define it properly.