Ref.>"「帝国の慰安婦」著者の名誉教授に無罪判決 韓国高裁差し戻し審"

>"BOOK REVIEW | A Review of 'The Comfort Women Hoax': Seeking Truth in the Debate"

>"Defeat of South Korea's Ruling Party: Negative Impact on Relations with Japan Must Be Avoided"


↓(See detAIl of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; "Impossible according to common sense," S. Korean netizens are raged = the author of "Comfort Women of the Empire" was handed down an acquittal sentence

>"「帝国の慰安婦」著者に無罪判決= 韓国ネット怒り「常識的にあり得ない」"

> 2024年4月12日、韓国・SBSによると、著書「帝国の慰安婦」で旧日本軍慰安婦被害者の名誉を傷つけたとして名誉毀損罪に問われた朴裕河世宗大学教授の差し戻し審が行われ、ソウル高裁は無罪を言い渡した。
According to SBS in S. Korea, on April 12, a sent-back trial in a lawsuit filed against Prof. (* emeritus) Park Yu-ha at Sejong University -- who was charged for defamation crime, as she damaged honor of former Japanese forces' (* fake) comfort women victims in her book "Comfort Women of the Empire" -- was held, and the Seoul High Court handed down a acquittal sentence on her.

> 朴教授は13年に出版した同書で「売春」「日本軍と同志的な関係」などの表現を用いて虚偽の事実を摘示し被害者らの名誉を毀損したとして、15年に起訴された。
> 1審は無罪だったが2審で有罪となり、朴教授には罰金1000万ウォン(約110万円)が言い渡された。
> しかし昨年10月、大法院(最高裁)は2審の判決を破棄し、審理を差し戻した。

Prof. Park Yu-ha prosecuted in 2015, as she damaged honor of the (* fake) victims by using expressions such as "prostitutes" and "comfort women and Japanese soldiers were in a relationship of camaraderie" in the book published in 2013.
She was ruled not guilty in the 1st trial, but was guilty in the 2nd trial, and the 10 million won (approx. \1.1 million) fine penalty was handed down to Prof. Park.
In last October, however, the Supreme Court of Korea abandoned the 2nd trial sentence and sent back the trial to a lower court.

> 差し戻し審裁判部は「朴教授の表現を学問的主張または意見と評価することは妥当だとした原審の判決に事実誤認や法理誤解はない」としている。
The lawsuit dept. of the sent back trial stated that "There are neither factual errors nor misinterpretation of legal principles in the sentence of the lower court, which ruled that it's reasonable to evaluate Prof. Park's expressions as academic assertions or opinions.

> この記事に、韓国のネットユーザーからは「法が無罪だと言えば悪人ではない、ということではない」「法の前に常識が優先されるべき。常識的に考えて、こんなことがありえるのか?」「こんな人間に学生たちを教える資格などない」「大統領が親日だからな」「これではまるで日帝植民地だ」「親日派がうようよしている司法府」「親日の判事は掃除すべき」「国がおかしくなっていっている」など、怒りの声が殺到している。
In response to the article, S. Korean netizens are posting a flood of comments of anger as follows;
"It's not true that if the law says it's not guilty, it means that she isn't a bad person."
"Common sense should be prioritized over the law. If you think about it based on the common sense, is something like this even possible?"
"A person like this has no qualification to teach students."
"Because Mr. President is pro-Japan."
"Taking it into consideration, this is like a colony of the Japanese Empire."
"The judicial branch is full of pro-Japan persons”
"Pro-Japanese judges should be cleaned up."
"The country is going crazy."