


↓(See detAIl of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Prof. emeritus Park Yu-ha, author of the "Comfort Women of the Empire," was aquitaled in a sent-back trial at the High Court in S. Korea

>"「帝国の慰安婦」著者の名誉教授に無罪判決 韓国高裁差し戻し審"

> 慰安婦問題に関する著書「帝国の慰安婦」の記述で元慰安婦の名誉を傷つけたとして、名誉毀損罪に問われた韓国・世宗大の朴裕河名誉教授(67)の差し戻し審判決で、ソウル高裁は12日、無罪を言い渡した。
In a sentence in a sent back trial to Prof. emeritus Park Yu-ha (67) at Sejong University in S. Korea -- who was charged for defamation crime, as she damaged honor of former comfort women in descriptions in her book about CW issue, "Comfort Women of the Empire" -- on April 12, the Seoul High Court aquitaled her.

> 韓国最高裁は昨年10月、無罪の趣旨で高裁に審理を差し戻していた。
> ソウル高裁は最高裁に続き、問題となった記述はいずれも「学問的主張、意見の表明」にとどまり、虚偽事実の記載にはあたらないとの判断を改めて示した。

In last October, the Supreme Court of Korea ordered the case sent back to the high court to be re-trialed in the meaning of not guilty.
Following the Supreme Court of Korea, the Seoul High Court once again showed the judgment that each problematized description was within the range of "academic argument & expression of an opinion," while not fall uder notation of false fact.

> 朴氏は 2013年8月に出版した「帝国の慰安婦」に関し、慰安婦が「売春婦」にあたり「日本軍と同志的関係にあった」とする虚偽の記述で慰安婦の名誉を傷つけたとして、15年に在宅起訴された。
> 1審無罪、2審逆転有罪(罰金刑)となった後、上告審は公判が長期化し約6年を費やした。

Concerning the "Comfort Women of the Empire" published in August 2013, as she violated honor of CW with false descriptions that CW were "prostitutes" and "comfort women and Japanese soldiers were in a relationship of camaraderie," Prof. emeritus Park Yu-ha was indicted without detention.
After she was ruled not guilty in the 1st trial and reversed guilty (fine penalty) in the 2nd trial, the appeal court took about 6 years as the trial was prolonged.

> 朴氏は高裁での無罪判決後、フェイスブックに「>"14年6月の告訴からこの日まで)2カ月少ないが10年かかりました"」と投稿、喜びを示した。
After aquitaled at the High Court, Park posted on Facebook that "From the indictment in June 2014 to today, it took one decade even though two months short" and showed her pleasure.