
>"【韓国】20年ぶり最大幅で減少した韓国・小売販売 今年の消費見通しも曇り"



> 韓国政府の人権調査機関「ベトナム戦争での韓国軍による民間人虐殺に関する調査は行わないと決定した」

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Even though it's acknowledged by court, Seoul denies the massacre by S. Korean forces during the Vietnam War


> ベトナム戦争に参戦した韓国軍に家族を虐殺されたとして、ベトナム人遺族が韓国政府に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の控訴審が1月、ソウルの裁判所で始まった。
> 軍による民間人虐殺疑惑は1999年の韓国メディア報道で認知され始め、昨年の一審判決で初めて裁判所が虐殺を認定した。
> だが政府は一貫して否定。
> 歴史をどう受け止めるのか、見方は割れている。

In January, an appeal trial was kicked off at a court in Seoul in a lawsuit filed by a Vietnamese bereaved seeking compensation against Seoul for her family members being massacred by S. Korean forces during the Vietnam War.
The suspicion of civilian massacres by S. Korean forces began to be recognized due to news reports by media in S. Korea media in 1999, and the massacre was acknowledged by a court in its 1st trial sentence handed down last year.
However, Seoul has consistently denied (the massacres).
Views are divided on how to perceive the history.

> 1月19日に行われた控訴審の第1回口頭弁論で政府側は主張した。

"It's impossible to conclude that the perpetrator was S. Korean forces. It's therefore against justice to order state compensation."
The (S. Korean) government asserted so during the 1st oral argument at the appeal court on Jan. 19.

Ref.>"ベトナム民間人虐殺「調査せず」 韓国政府機関が決定"

> 自由主義陣営に属し、共産主義の北朝鮮と対峙する韓国は 64~ 73年、米国が支援する南ベトナムに約 32万5千人を派兵、約5千人が戦死した。
> 韓国の研究者らは各地での韓国軍による虐殺犠牲者を約1万人と推計するが、正確な実態は不明だ。
> 訴訟はベトナム中部クアンナム省の村の女性グエン・ティ・タンさん(63)が 2020年に起こした。

S. Korea, which belonged to the liberal camp and confronted with communist N. Korea, sent approx. 325,000 troops to S. Vietnam supported by the U.S. during 1964 to 1973 period, and approx. 5,000 died in action.
S. Korean researchers and others estimate that around 10,000 persons were killed in the massacres committed by S. Korean forces in various locations, but the exact situation is unclear.
The lawsuit was filed in 2020 by Nguyen Thi Thanh (63), a female resident in a village in central Vietnam Quang Nam Province.