

>"【韓国】今年の出生率、さらに減少 0.7台前半まで転落か"


> Seoul court orders S. Korea to compensate victim of Vietnam War mass killing

Translation; "It won't be investigated," an institution affiliated with Seoul decided so about the massacres of Vietnamese civilians by S. Korean forces

>"ベトナム民間人虐殺「調査せず」 韓国政府機関が決定"

> 韓国政府の人権侵害調査機関「真実・和解のための過去事整理委員会」は 24日の会合で、ベトナム戦争に派遣された韓国軍兵士による民間人虐殺に関する調査を行わないと決定した。
> 真相究明に消極的な韓国政府の姿勢が改めて示された。

At a meeting on May 24, a human rights violation investigation institution affiliated with Seoul, "committee to sort out the past for truth & reconciliation" (correct name in English is unknown) decided not to investigate the massacres of civilians by S. Korean troops who were dispatched to the Vietnam War.
The reluctant stance of Seoul to find out the truth was once again shown.

> 韓国は米国が支援した南ベトナムに派兵した。
> 韓国の研究者などは、韓国軍兵士に虐殺されたベトナムの民間人は約9千人に上る疑いがあると指摘しているが、政府機関が調査に着手しないと決めたことで全容解明は遠のいた。
> 24日の会合で野党推薦の委員3人は調査開始を求めたが、尹錫悦政権側が推薦した委員ら4人が反対し、却下された。

S. Korea dispatched troops to S. Vietnam which was supported by the U.S.
S. Korean researchers and so on point out that the number of Vietnamese civilians massacred by S. Korean troops is suspected to be 9,000 or so. However, as the governmental institution decided not to launch an investigation, full elucidation is postponed.
At a meeting on May 24, three committee members recommended by the opposition party(s) required to kick of the investigation. However, four committee members recommended by the Yoon Suk-yeol administration opposed that, the proposal was therefore dismissed.