
>"中国株式市場でパニック売り-主要株価指数、急落後に下げ幅縮小 ⇒ ネットの反応「株を売る奴は埋めればいいから問題ないだろ」"

>"<福島香織氏> 中国株が大暴落! 政府が株主の企業群「ナショナルチーム」も力尽き、中国はもう株を買い支える力も持っていない 共産党の特権階級も逃げ出す準備"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/3)


> 国益に忠実な杉田水脈氏の提言が波紋。
> 自民には骨のある女性議員がいる。
> 高市早苗、有村治子、小野田紀美、杉田水脈…次の日本を託したい人々

The proposal by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP), who are true to the national interest, creates ripples.
She asserted that "Even if the coalition is dissolved, the national interests should be protected. The safety, security the lives of the nationals are at stake. Will we cut off Komei Party and protect the national interests? Will we accept what Komei Party says at the expense of national interests? This is a political decision. PM Kishida's determination is being questioned."
There are having spirit female lawmakers in the LDP.
Sanae Takaichi, Haruko Arimura, Kimi Onoda, Mio Sugita, etc... they are persons I want to entrust future Japan.



> 中国株の急落で上海総合指数が防衛ライン "2700㌽"を割り込み、底なしの下落へ。
> 中国市場を見限った富裕層はとっくに日本の不動産へシフトチェンジ。
> 中国人によって高騰する日本の高級物件と、手も足も出ない日本人。
> "相互主義"の概念もなく、ひたすら中国人の手助けに邁進してきた日本政界のなれの果て

Due to the steep decline in Chinese stocks, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below the defense line of 2,700 point, just bottomless decline.
Wealthy persons given up on the Chinese stock market have long ago shift-changed to Japanese real estates.
Luxury properties in Japan are soaring in price due to Chinese persons, and Japanese ones can't afford them.
This is the result of the Japanese political world, which had no concept of "reciprocity" and was devoted to helping the Chinese persons.



> なぜフィリピンにできて日本にできないか。
> 答えは簡単。
> フィリピンには常識と覚悟のある指導層がいるが、日本には中国を恐れ、事勿れ主義の覚悟なき指導者しかいないから。
> 本来なら国民が "毅然とせよ"と怒るのが普通。
> だが次の総理は誰かを尋ねても上位は媚中政治家が並ぶ国。
> この国民にしてこの政治

Why can't Japan can't so that, while the Philippines can do? The answer is simple.
The Philippines has a leadership class with common sense and determination, but Japan only has leaders who are afraid of China and are unprepared to take the risk-taking approach, while taking the principle of letting sleeping dogs lie stance.
Originally speaking, it would be normal for the nationals to get angry and say "be resolute."
However, (Japan) is a country even when people are quesioned who will be the next prime minister, the top positions are filled with pro-China politicians.
"Like father, like son," this is the politics in Japan.


>"中国が新たなブイ、日本 EEZ内に漂流 実効支配を狙う〝暴挙〟に「即時撤去」の声 「与野党が岸田首相の尻をたたかねば」と識者"


> なぜ海上ブイを曳行し徹底解析しないのか。
> 何もできない日本を嘲笑う中国。
> できない以上そこを突いて "量を増やしていく"のが中国のやり方。
> 岸田首相、林官房長官、上川外相、斉藤国交相…と歴史に残る "親中シフト"の岸田内閣。
> 高市早苗政権ができない限りこの事態は変わらない。
> 媚中政治家による政権たらい回しで日本は滅ぶ

Why (Tokyo) doesno't tow the marine buoy and thoroughly analyze it?
China mocks Japan, which can do nothing.
As (Tokyo) can't do so, it's Chinese was to take advantage of this and "increase the quantity."
The Kishida Cabinet is a record most "pro-China shift" one -- PM Kishida, CCS Hayashi, FM Kamikawa, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Saito, etc.
This situation won't change unless the Sanae Takaichi administration is realized.
Japan will perish due to the administrative replacement on rotation basis by pro-China politicians.

> 国会はどうなってるのか。
> 麻生太郎氏の "おばさん発言"で上川陽子外相に「なぜ麻生氏に抗議しないのか?」と質問。
> そんな事より「新たな中国のブイが漂流しているのになぜ曳行して解析しないのか。反対は貴女か、首相か、それとも斉藤鉄夫国交相か。国民の前に明らかにせよ」となぜ追及しない?
> アホらし

What's going on with the Diet?
Regarding Taro Aso's "aged female remark," she (* Maiko Tajima (CDPJ)) asked FM Yoko Kamikawa that "Why don't you protest against Aso?".
Rather than something like that, why doesn't she grill that "Even though the new Chinese buoy is drifting afloat, why don't you tow and analyzing it? Is it you, the PM or Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Tetsuo Saito who oppose that? Make it clear to the nationals."
Looks like an idiot.



> 中国海警局艦船が1月から尖閣周辺の日本領空を飛行する自衛隊機に「領空侵犯の恐れがある。直ちに退去しなさい」と無線で伝え始めた。
> 接続水域より外側の公海上では中国軍と海上自衛隊の艦船が睨み合う事態も。
> 昨年の習近平の予告通り尖閣実効支配へ。
> 惨めなり、岸田弱腰政権

In contiguous zone, outside of the territorial waters (* around the Senkaku Islands (Tonoshirosenkaku) in Ishigaki City, Okinawa Pref.), even the situations have occurred in which vessels of the CCG and Maritime SDF confront with mutually.
As predicted by Xi Jinping last year, China has been moving toward effective control of the Senkaku Islands.
Misery, the Kishida weaknee administration.

>"中国、尖閣領空で退去警告 海警船、自衛隊機に"