Ref.>"【共同】杉田水脈議員、1564万円訂正 自民安倍派からの寄付不記載"

>"自民、防衛装備移転の議論停滞に不満 公明党との連立解消論も噴出"

>'自民 茂木派 "新たな政策集団としての活動のしかたを検討" → ネット『派閥 → 政策集団?国民をバカだと思ってる?』'


> 令和6年2月1日本会議後 ぶらさがり

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 2/1)


> 月曜日の午後から上京しています。
> 火曜日は、部会長代理を務める環境部会で今年初会議。
> 今国会に上程する議案について説明を受けました。
> その後、本会議。
> 昨日はお昼に林政対策委員会に出席し、能登半島地震における林野等の被害について現況と今後の復興について意見交換をしました。
> 本会議後、国防部会・安全保障調査会 合同会議に参加。
> 様々な議題がありましたが、ニュースにもなっている防衛装備移転の状況について、私は最後に意見を述べました。

> 連立解消しても国益を守るべき。
> 国民の安全安心、命がかかっている。
> 公明党を切って国益を守るのか?
> 国益を損ねて公明党の言うことを聞くのか?
> これは政治判断だ。
> 年末は「総理に覚悟を持って公明幹部と話してほしい」と要望してきた。
> となると次は「連立解消してもやり切る!」覚悟で総理には決断いただきたい。

> 私は比例単独で当選しているので、公明党の力は借りていません。
> 連立解消についてもハッキリ意見を言える立場です。

I've been in Tokyo since Monday afternoon.
On Tuesday, the 1st meeting in this year of the "Environment Division," where I serve as acting Director, was held.
We were explained about bill(s) that will be submitted in the current Diet session.
After that, the plenary Diet session.
Yesterday, I attended a Forestry Policy Committee meeting at noon and exchanged opinions regarding the current situation and future recovery efforts regarding the damage to forests and so on caused by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
After the plenary Diet session, I participated in a joint meeting of "National Defense Division" & "Research Commission on Security."
There were various topics on the agenda, but at the end I expressed my opinion on the situation regarding the transfer of defense equipment, which has been reported in news.

Even if the coalition is dissolved, the national interests should be protected.
The safety, security the lives of the nationals are at stake.
Will we cut off Komei Party and protect the national interests?
Will we accept what Komei Party says at the expense of national interests?
This is a political decision.
PM Kishida's determination is being questioned.
At the end of last year, I requested that "the prime minister be prepared to talk to Komei Party executives."
However, it is no longer on such stage, and there is little possibility that Komei Party executives, who have yet been persuaded so far, will compromise.
In such situation, next step, I would like the PM to make a decision with the determination that "Even if the coalition is dissolved, I will do this thoroughly!".
I was elected on a proportional basis alone, so I didn't rely on Komei Party's suport.
I am therefore in a position that I can express my opinion clearly even regarding the dissolution of the coalition.


>"自民、防衛装備移転の議論停滞に不満 公明党との連立解消論も噴出"