

>【森友学園】森友問題の本丸、ガチで『辻元清美』だった!野田中央公園について維新足立議員が追及!!土地価格操作 土地14億に対して市の負担額はたった2000万で土地の価値を補助金によって上げ !!!

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 2/2)


> ウクライナは国土を守るための武器が足りず、同盟国であるアメリカもリソースが尽きて援助できない。
> だから、アメリカの技術である迎撃ミサイルを日本で作るしかない。
> それすらできない国は異常だ。
> その異常を公明党がさらに主張するなら連立解消もやむなし。
> 国交大臣もさっさと辞任せよ。

Ukraine doesn't have sufficient weapons to defend its territory, and (Japan's) ally, the U.S., has run out of resources and cannot support.
Therefore, Japan has no choice but to make interceptor missiles using U.S. technology.
The country impossible to do that is abnormal.
If the Komeito Party continues to insist on this abnormality, it will have no choice but to dissolve the coalition.
The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism should resign immediately.



> そういえば、以前、陸山会という団体が 20億円以上の虚偽記載だか記載漏れがあって修正で済んだことがありましたが、どなたの団体でしたっけ?
Btw, there was a case in the past when an organization called Rikuzan-kai made false or omitted entries worth more than \2 billion, but it was settled by correction of its income and expenditure report. Whose organization was it?



> こんな簡単な地元のお願いが守れない自己顕示欲の塊たちを批判することを「異様」という朝日新聞。

> そっち界隈は揃いも揃って倫理観のない人間しかいないのか?

"At present, as we are in the chaotic situation, so please don't come to the disaster affected areas."

The Asahi Shimbun called it "unusual" to criticize these self-aggrandizing persons, who can't abide by such a simple local request.
Are there only such persons in that segment who have no ethics?

>"広がったボランティア自粛論 支援に入った研究者が感じていること"


> 日本共産党が「杉並区では日本共産党が与党」と発表。
> いよいよやばいぞ、杉並区。

The JCP has released that "the JCP is the ruling party in Suginami Ward."
Suginami Ward is finally in the dangerous situation.




> それが通るなら、血税からだまし取って詐欺罪を受けた議員は、憲法を語ってはいけないだろう。
> 野田中央公園の件もなんだかうやむやで、いつの間にか「禊ぎは済んだ」の体になっているし。

If it's accepted, the Diet lawmaker, who was charged with fraud by defrauding the nationals from public tax, would not be allowed to talk about the Constitution.
Even the Noda Central Park case has been somewhat unsettling, and before we know it, the situation has become as if "the cleansing has been completed."
