

>"れいわ新選組「全国に 2000隻以上あるフェリーを集め避難所に、あるいは 20万台近くあるキャンピングカーを国が借り上げて仮設住宅に!」→ ツッコミ殺到…"

>"岸田派解散"の真意は? 専門家「総理のクーデター」「先手必勝」 総裁選も意識か【スーパー Jチャンネル】(2024年1月19日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 1/21)


> 宇部空港に到着して、直接山口市へ。
> 山口県作業療法士会 40周年記念式典に参列し、ご挨拶。
> 作業療法は18世紀から19世紀の「道徳療法」が起源だと言われています。
> これからますます重要度が増して来ます。
> その後は下関市に移動し、エキマチうきうきフェスタへ。
> 市内の障害福祉サービス事業所が一堂に会し、物販やワークショップを開催。
> 見ているだけで楽しくなる可愛いお菓子や手芸品がたくさん並んでいました。(続く)

I arrive at Ube Airport and headed directly to Yamaguchi City.
I attended the 40th anniversary ceremony of the Yamaguchi occupational therapist association (correct name in English is unknown) and gave a speech.
"Occupational therapy" is said to have its origins in "moral therapy" from the 18th to 19th centuries.
This will become increasingly important from now on.
After that, I moved to Shimonoseki City and went to the "eki-machi ukiuki" festival.
Disability welfare service businesses in the city gathered en masse to sell goods and hold workshops.
There were lots of cute sweets and handicraft goods were lined up, that were fun just to look at. (to be continue)

> 安倍元総理のスピーチライターでいらした谷口智彦氏のお話は笑い有り涙ありですっかり引き込まれました。
> 吉田真次先生と力を合わせて政治の信頼回復に努めてまいります。

(to continued) After enjoying exchanges with everyone, I cheered at the "Shinji Yoshida supporters association inauguration ceremony" held in the same building.
The talk by Tomohiko Taniguchi, who was a speechwriter for former PM Abe, was full of laughter and tears, and completely captivated me.
I will work together with LH lawmaker Shinji Yoshida to restore trust in politics.