Ref.>"【韓国】日本の高級ブドウ「ルビーロマン」 韓国のあちこちで違法販売"

>"Top court finalizes ruling in favor of Korean (* fake) victims of Japan's (* not) forced (* but applied or conscripted labor"

> S. Korea's top court once again rules in favor of Japan's wartime (* fake) forced labor victims (* but applied or conscripted wartime workers)

Translation; The Supreme Court of Korea once again finalized the compensatio-order to the Japanese companies

>"賠償確定、極めて遺憾と日立造船 徴用工訴訟、三菱重工も"

> 韓国人元徴用工らへの損害賠償を命じた確定判決に関し、日立造船は 28日、「本判決は日韓請求権協定およびこれに関する日本政府の見解、ならびに当社主張に反するものであり極めて遺憾です」とのコメントを発表した。
> 今後の方針については、日本政府の対応状況などを踏まえるとしている。

Concerning the finalized sentence ordering to pay compensation to such as former S. Korean conscripted workers, on Dec. 28, Hitachi Ship Building released a comment to say that "The sentence this time contradicts with the Japan-RoK claim rights agreement, Tokyo's views on it and our claim. It's therefore extremely regrettable."
Concerning its future policy, it explained to consider while taking addressing-circumstances of Tokyo, etc.

> 三菱重工業も遺憾の意を表明。

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries also expressed its will of regret.
MHI expressed that "It's our understanding that the issue of claim rights between Japan and S. Korea and their nationals has been [completely and finally covered] by the Japan-RoK claim rights agreement, no claims can be therefore possible."