
>'髙橋史朗136 – ユネスコ「世界の記憶」「日本軍慰安婦の声」申請文書の "嘘"'

>"Fukushima <特報>脈々と続く故金日成主席の日韓離間指令…福島デマで韓国の反日あおる"

> 「広告制限」日本大使館前ライブ配信

See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; [Column]. The biggest crime committed by Rep. Yoon Mee-hyang of "17 million won embezzlement"


> 1998年に慰安婦被害者の女性8人が尹美香氏を横領の疑いで告発した。
> 当時韓国挺身隊問題対策協議会(挺対協)の事務局長だった尹氏が、慰安婦被害者の名前を利用してビルを購入したという内容だった。
> 嫌疑なしとなったが、尹氏は裏切られたという気持ちで政対協を4年間離れた。
> 尹氏は「この方々は苦しく世の中を生きてきて、誰も信じてはいけないという被害意識を持っている。髪をとかすくしを見て『きれいだ』と言ってはいけない。自分のものを欲しがって盗んでいくのではないかと疑う」と語った。
> 尹氏が水曜集会 22周年のインタビューで語った言葉だ。

In 1998, eight female comfort women victims accused Yoon Mee-hyang of embezzlement.
The contents was that, Yoon Mee-hyang, who was the director general of the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (Jeongdahyeop) around that time, purchased a building using the name of a comfort woman victim.
She was acquitted. However, Yoon Mee-hyang felt betrayed and left Jeongdahyeop for four years.
Yoon Mee-hyang said that "Those persons have lived in a painful world and have a sense of victimization that they should not trust anyone. Don't say [it's beautiful] when looking at a comb that combs her hair. They suspect that you want her one and will steal it from them.
It's the words Yoon Mee-hyang said in her interview for the 22nd anniversary of her Wednesday rally.

> しかし、挺対協の「金儲け」論争は絶えなかった。
> 1997年には日本の民間団体から500万円を受け取ることを決めて論議を呼んだ被害者女性が「私たちを助けるために集めた寄付金はどこに行ったのか。温かい言葉が一度もなかった政府や挺身隊関連団体が日本のカネを受け取れとか受け取るなとか言う資格はない」と発言した。
> 2004年にはシム・ミジャさんら13人が「募金禁止訴訟」を起こした。

However, the "money-making" by Jeongdahyeop controversy has continued.
In 1997, a victim -- who decided to receieve \5 million from a Japanese private organization and caused controversy -- remarked that "Where did the donations collected to support us go? The government and Jeongdahyeop affiliated organizations, who have never voiced warm words, are not qualified to say whether we must receive Japanese money or not."
In 2004, 13 persons including "Sim Mi-ja" filed a lawsuit to seek to "ban fundraising."
The reason why was that "Jeongdahyeop, which is not a victim, is using the pretext of supporting comfort women to enrich its own pocket and infringe on their personal rights."

> 論議を呼ぶたびに挺対協は会計帳簿を調べるのではなく、親日と決めつけるやり方で対応した。
> 2020年にはイ・ヨンスさんが尹氏の寄付金会計不正を暴露した際にも、挺対協は「親日勢力の攻撃」だと反論し、「挺対協の長い活動の中で会計不正という見たこともない状況に接したことは一度もなく、絶対にありえないことだ」とした。

Whenever controversy arose, "Jeongdahyeop" addressed that in a way of labelling it as pro-Japan, rather than looking into the books.
It means to argue that "Japan's aim is to separate Jeongdahyeop and CW victims with money."
In 2020, when "Lee Yong-soo" exposed Yoon Mee-hyang's donation accounting fraud, Jeongdahyeop refuted that it was an "attack by pro-Japan forces" and explained that "During Jeongdahyeop's long activity record, we have never encountered an unseen situation of financial fraud, it's therefore absolutely impossible."

> しかし、この「絶対にありえないこと」は結局有罪となった。
> ただ、異例にも寛大な「罰金刑」を宣告した。
> 市民団体は私企業よりも会計処理が透明でなければならないが、「(領収書)証明がなくても挺対協活動に使われた可能性」が高いとし、支出証明がない数多くの資金の使途に免罪符を与えた。

However, this "absolutely impossible matter" turned out to be guilty in the end.
Last month, the Seoul Western District Court ruled that during the period when Yoon Mee-hyang was the representative of "the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (the Korean Council), she embezzled over 17 million won of such as donations for her business, such as using it to pay for "pet hotels" and "massage shops," etc.
However, it sentenced her to an unusually generous "fine penalty."
Civic organizations should be more transparent in their accounting than private companies. Nevertheless, it said that "Even without proof (receipts), it's very likely that it was used for Jeongdahyeop activities" and gave an indulgence to a number of uses of funds with no proofs of expenditure.

> 判決よりさらに奇妙なのは尹氏の行動だ。
> 李在明代表ら民主党関係者の「謝罪リレー」に力を得たのか、1700万ウォンの横領は罪でもないかのように公の活動を再開した。
> 今月4日にはろうそく集会の壇上で「戦闘機の爆撃やミサイルが降り注ぐ韓半島にならないよう全身で走り抜く」と叫び、国際女性デーだった今月8日には日本大使館前の水曜集会に現れ、「この3年間、とてもつらくて大変だった」と目頭を赤くした。
> 挺対協草創期の活動家である女性学者は「政界に入れば皆あんな怪物になるのか。市民団体の力は1ウォンも無駄に使わない道徳性が源だが、一緒に働いてきた活動家の顔に泥を塗った張本人であり、少なくとも先に謝罪の言葉を口にすべきではないか」と嘆いた。

Even stranger than the verdict is Yoon Mee-hyang's behavior.
She resumed her public activities as if embezzlement of 17 million won was not a crime, perhaps encouraged from the "apology relay" by "Democratic Party of Korea" officials including the party head "Lee Jae-myung."
On March 4, she yelled at a candlelight rally that she would "run with all my might not to make the Korean peninsula be bombarded with fighter jets and missiles." On April 8 (international women's day (IWD)), she appeared at a Wednesday rally in front of the Japanese Embassy and became tearful, saying that "The last three years have been very bitter and difficult."
A female scholar, who was an early Jeongdahyeop activist, lamented that "Will everyone become such a monster after entering the politics circle? The source of a civic organization's power is its morality of never wasting a single won. However, se is the very person who put mud on the faces of the activists she worked together. At the very least, shouldn't she express an apology at first?"

> カネと権力が運動の大義を誤るのではないかと懸念したのは、挺対協の初代代表だったユン・ジョンオク梨花女子大学名誉教授だ。
> ユン教授は「1992年に始まった水曜集会の初期まで募金活動はなかった。寄付はありがたいことだが、団体が前面に出て募金を行うのは慰安婦問題の実状を知らせ、被害者女性を助けるという精神とはそぐわない」と指摘した。
> しかし、募金規模はますます大きくなり、億ウォン単位の政府支援金まで受け取り、挺対協は初心を失い始めた。

It was Professor Emeritus Yoon Chung-ok at Ewha Womans University, who was the 1st head of Jeongdahyeop, who was worried that money and power could mislead the cause of the move.
Professor Emeritus Yoon Chung-ok pointed out that "There was no fundraising until the early Wednesday rallies, which was kicked off in 1992. Donations are appreciated. However, it's not in line with the spirit of publicizing the reality of CW issue and helping female victims that the organization takes the initiative to raise funds.
However, the scale of the fundraising has increasingly grown. Jeongdahyeop began to lose its original intention as it became to receive 100 million won scale governmental subsidies.

> それを真っ先に感じ取ったのは被害者女性だった。
> 被害者女性が怒った時期が政対協のリーダーたちが政界に進出した時期と一致するのは偶然ではない。
> 池銀姫(チ・ウンヒ)、李美卿(イ・ミギョン)の両氏が盧武鉉政権入りした際、そして尹氏が文在寅政権の与党議員になった際、被害者女性らは「結局あなたたちの出世のために私たちを利用したのか」と憤った。

It was the victim-females to have felt that first and foremost.
It's no coincidence that the time when the female-victims became angry coincided with the time when the Jeongdahyeop leaders entered politics circle.
When both "Chi Eun Hee" & "Lee Mi-kyung" entered the Roh Moo-hyun administration, and when Yoon Mee-hyang became a member of the ruling party of the Moon Jae-in administration, the female-victims were raged, saying that "In the end, you have used us for your promotion."

> 裁判所は1700万ウォンの横領だけを罪だと言ったが、尹美香議員が犯した本当の罪は別にある。
> 半世紀にわたる韓国女性運動に対する信頼を失墜させたこと、慰安婦被害者に対する国民の支持と関心を低下させたことだ。

The court ruled that embezzlement of 17 million won was the only crime. However, the true crime Rep. Yoon Mee-hyang committed is another.
It it that she has ruined the credibility of the half-century S. Korean women's activity, and reduced public support and interest in CW victims.

> 15日にも水曜集会はいつも通りに開かれた。
> 大統領の訪日を翌日に控えていたため、取材陣が殺到したが、参加者は 30人にも満たなかった。
> その裏では水曜集会に反対する人々が歌いながら踊り、「反日行動」という団体は「売国奴尹錫悦は退け」と主張した。
> 韓服を着て景福宮に向かう外国人は、この奇妙な風景をカメラに収めて不思議がった。
> 昼食を取りに出てきた近隣の会社員は「恥ずかしい」と舌打ちした。
> 同日の集会で慰安婦被害者女性の姿は一人も見えなかった。

On April 15 too, the Wednesday rally was held as usual.
As the President was scheduled to visit Japan the next day, reporters rushed to the site. However, the number of participants was less than 30.
Behind the scenes, persons who opposed the Wednesday rally sang and danced, and a group called "anti-Japan action" insisted that "traitor Yoon Suk-yeol should step down."
Foreigners dressed in hanbok and headed for Gyeongbokgung Palace captured this strange scenery on camera and wondered.
A nearby office worker, who came out to take lunch, clicked tongue, saying that "shameful."
No CW victim-females participated in the rally on that day.