>"北朝鮮、韓国世論扇動か 福島処理水放出めぐり 公安当局捜査"
>"[久保田るり子の朝鮮半島ウオッチ]. 「『福島沖に怪魚出現』のデマを流せ」北朝鮮が韓国労組に指令"
>"Fukushima Hoax Exposed: North Korean Spies in Powerful SK Federation Fuel Anti-Japan Sentiment"
> 朝鮮の対韓工作の実態あらわ 日本もやられている!【朝香豊の日本再興チャンネル】
↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)
Translation; [Special report]. Fanning anti-Japan feelings in S. Korea with false rumors over the Fukushima -- the continuously carried out order of late President Kim Il-sung to divide Japan and S. Korea
> 北朝鮮の工作機関が、スパイとして取り込んだ韓国最大の労働組合の幹部らに東京電力福島第1原発事故に絡めて韓国社会の反日感情をあおり、日韓両国を極度の対立状況に追いやるよう指示していたことが、韓国当局の捜査で分かった。
> 背景には北朝鮮の故金日成主席が半世紀前に韓国攻略に向けて唱えた日韓の離間策があり、現代でも韓国社会を揺さぶっている実態が浮かび上がった。
Investigations by S. Korean authorities revealed that "N. Korea's spying agency has recruited executives of S. Korea's largest labor union as spies, directed them to fan anti-Japanese sentiment in the S. Korean society and drive Japan and S. Korea into extremen confrontational situation in connection with the accident at TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
In the background, there is a measure to divide Japan and S. Korea advocated by late N. Korean leader Kim Il-sung half a century ago in order for invasion of S. Korea, and the actual situation in which the S. Korean society is shaken by that even in nowadays is highlighted.
> 韓国警察と情報機関、国家情報院は1月、韓国最大の労組の全国組織「全国民主労働組合総連盟(民主労総)」の本部などを家宅捜索。
> 3月末には、北朝鮮工作員と東南アジアなどで接触して指令を受け、反政府活動を行ったとして、国家保安法違反容疑で、民主労総の中枢幹部や元幹部ら4人を逮捕した。
In January, the S. Korean police and ntelligence agency (National Intelligence Service) raided the headquarters of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), the largest national labor union organization in S. Korea, etc.
At the end of March, four people, including core executive(s) and former executive(s) of the KCTU, were arrested on suspicion of violating the National Security Law, saying that they contacted with N. Korean agents in Southeast Asia and so on, received orders and carried out anti-government activities.
> 当局は100件以上の北朝鮮からの指令文を押収し、実態の解明を進めてきた。
> 文化日報や中央日報などの韓国紙によると、日本政府が福島第1原発処理水の海洋放出を決定して間もない 2021年5月の指令文には「放射能汚染水放流問題に絡め、反日民心をあおり、南当局(韓国政府)と日本の対立を取り返しがつかない状況に追い込め」と記されていた。
The authorities seized more than 100 orders in writing from N. Korea, and have proceeded to clarify the actual conditions.
According to newspapers in S. Korea, such as the Munhwa Ilbo and Korea JoongAng Daily, in a direction in writing in May 2021, shortly after Tokyo decided the measure of maritime discharge of the treated waste water from TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, it's noted that "fan anti-Japanese sentiment in relation to the discharge of radioactive contaminated water, and drive the conflict between the S. Korean authority (S. Korean government) and Japan into an irreversible situation."
> 日本政府が対韓輸出管理の厳格化を発表した19年7月には、北朝鮮側は「(韓国)当局と日本の対立を激化させ、各階層の反日感情を一層たきつける実践活動を進めよ」と指示。
> 具体的方法として、日章旗を焼くデモや日本人を追い出す運動、日本大使館や領事館への奇襲デモを列挙した。
In July 2019, when Tokyo released the tightened export control measure to S. Korea, the N. Korean side instructed that "proceed practical activities in order to intensify the confrontation between the authorities (in S. Korea) and Japan, and stir up anti-Japanese feelings at all levels more and more."
As specific methods, it listed "demonstrations burning the rising sun flag" and "moves to expel Japanese persons," and surprise demonstrations against the Japanese embassies and consulates.
> スパイ行為で起訴された別の左派系政治団体員に対しても、北朝鮮の工作機関は 21年5月に「『福島沖で怪魚出現』といったデマをネットに大量にばらまき、社会の不安感を増幅させろ」と指示していた。
> 実際に19年夏には日本製品の不買運動が盛り上がり、大規模な反日デモも行われたが、それを企画・主導した組織の一つが民主労総だった。
> 原発処理水放出に対しても不安を抱く韓国人が多く、反日扇動にもろい韓国社会の弱点を突いた指令だったといえる。
To another members of a left-leaning political organization too, who were prosecuted for espionage, a N. Korean agent directed in May 2021 that "spred a large amount of online false rumors such as [Monster fish appears off the coast of Fukushima], and amplify the sense of anxiety in the society."
In fact, in the summer of 2019, the "NO JAPAN" move (* boycott of Japanese products) was fired up, and large-scale anti-Japan rallies were held. And one of the organizations to organize and lead it was "the KCTU."
It can be said that they were directives taking advantage of the weakness of the S. Korean society, in whch many S. Korean were worried about the maritime discharge of the nuclear power plant treated waste water, and vulnerable to anti-Japan agitation.
> 北朝鮮の対外工作に詳しい韓国自由民主研究院の柳東烈(ユ・ドンヨル)院長は、金主席が1969年や 72年の演説で示した「冠のひも戦術」が指令の背景にあると指摘する。
> 金氏は韓国を冠に、日米を頭に冠を固定するひもに例え、「南朝鮮(韓国)政権は米国と日本という2本のひものうち1本でも切れると、冠が飛ばされるように崩れてしまう」と反日・反米闘争の重要性を説いたという。
> 反日指令は、韓国に同調者を増殖させ、社会主義体制下に「赤化統一する」という北朝鮮の野望に変化がないことを物語っていると、柳氏は説明する。
Yoo Dongryul -- director of the Korea Institute of Liberal Democracy (KILD), who is familiar with overseas maneuverings by N. Korea -- pointed out that the background of the directives was "crown strings tactics," which Kim Il-sung showed in his speeches in 1969 and 1972.
Kim Il-sung allegedly likened S. Korea to a crown, and Japan and the U.S. to strings that fastens a crown to head, and explained the importance of anti-Japan and anti-U.S struggles, saying that "If even one of the two strings, the U.S. and Japan, breaks, Seoul will collapse like a crown being blown away."
Director Yoo Dong-ryul explained that the anti-Japan directives showed that there were no changes in the N. Korean ambition to proliferate sympathizers in S. Korea and "unify with it under red" under the socialist system.
> 韓国・全国民主労働組合総連盟(民主労総)
> 1995年の設立当初から反米、反日、親北朝鮮の色彩が強く、暴力もいとわない過激なデモやストライキで知られる。
> 労働組合を支持基盤の一つとする文在寅前政権下で組合員数約120万人とする韓国最大の労組の全国組織となった。
> 2016年には朴槿恵元大統領に退陣を迫るデモを企画。
> 尹錫悦政権は、法に基づき断固対応する方針を打ち出し、昨年12月には民主労総系の大規模ストを中断に追い込んだ。
> 民主労総は反尹政権デモを繰り返し、対立が深まっている。
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) in S. Korea
Since its establishment in 1995, it has been strongly anti-U.S., anti-Japan and pro-N. Korea, and well known for radical rallies and strikes not to hesitate to use violence.
Under the former Moon Jae-in administration, one of whose support bases was labor unions, it became the largest national union organization in S. Korea with approx. 1.2 million members.
In 2016, it organized rallies (* so called "candle rally") to force former President Park Geun-hye to step down.
The Yoon Suk-yeol administration has launched a policy to address it resolutely based on law. In last December, he drove a large-scale strike of the KCTU into a corner to be suspended.
The KCTU has repeatedly held anti-Yoon administration rallies, the confrontation is therefore deepened.