"The Reality of Life" Volume 3-10 | 山人のブログ



Nakahata: I gave an example of the common cold so that you can understand the relationship between the accumulation of thoughts, the flow of the "accumulation", the hesitation, and the purification. It is not always possible to understand the illness, such as catching a cold because it feels clearly cold, as in the case of this cold, where the "accumulation" of the inn is always flowing. However, since the feeling of being in order with human life is just a high-level and clear feeling, when an unclear mood that seems even a little unpleasant occurs, it has already caused a flow of accumulation of thoughts. Adults have a complicated mix of thoughts, so there are many times when they are unpleasant or unclear due to causes other than illness, but instead, adults reflect on themselves and what kind of thoughts are accumulated. It is possible to realize that and correct this with the thought of truth. Children's illnesses also occur due to the flow of thoughts of the child and those around him, and parents who are closely related to them, so the eve of sudden diarrhea or fever is always a manifestation of it. is. So careful, experienced mothers usually notice this, and it is better for parents to purify that accumulation on behalf of their children. In other words, as Dr. Taniguchi said earlier, if there is a mental conflict, if there is a reconciliation by reflecting on it, or if there is a fear of illness, one's life is a free divinity and not to lose to illness. Self-suggestively whisper to your heart. One way is to read "Seicho-no-Ie" and "The Facts of Life". It always responds to children. Then, one important thing to know here is that when you have diarrhea or fever, you think you have illness and it is careless to make a fuss. When you have diarrhea or fever, it is proof that the person's "life" has begun to drive the hesitation out. In other words, it is a victorious symbol of true life against hesitation. Secondly, it is a proof that human health has overcome illnesses or germs and has begun to eliminate them. I didn't get sick at that time, but the accumulation of illnesses before that flowed and caused confusion, and the illness that was latent and latent at that time began to be expelled at that time. In other words, since the true life of human beings is fundamentally healthy, we have driven out the hesitation, and this is reflected in the shadow of your health overcoming the disease, not allowing the existence of bacteria and poisons, and with the phenomenon of diarrhea. It excretes this, and in the battle, it shows the health of vitality by the phenomenon of fever outside the skin. When we take it, the illness will disappear as soon as we become aware of the perfection of the reality of our "life", and for that matter, the victory of our own health, and make more and more energetic support for that enlightenment. It is. This is not because it pursues those who have already begun to be expelled. The latent illness becomes manifest before it heals-this is what Christian Science calls chemicalization, which Dr. Taniguchi calls the self-destructive action of the illness. Is. However, when I got into such a state, I thought that I had illness for the first time, and immediately started to think of illness, mourned, and instead caused a frequent flow of bad accumulations. It gives the power of rejuvenation to the strengthening illness, and on the other hand, it invites the emotion of the sick spirit here. This is the reality that most people do when they get sick or get sick. Even if you are a doctor, please tell this story to someone who understands a little, and it is said that you always hit your knees and agree. When we, as amateurs, feel a stomachache, a headache, or a fever, in this sense it is true that we have recovered from the illness. .. At that time, if you believe that it will be cured soon, you will complete the self-destructive action immediately, but if you take medicine or fall asleep when you get sick, on the contrary, you will get rid of the illness until now. Possessed vitality, or health in its manifestation, is killed, and on the contrary, lost, that is, the illness gains power, and with the consciousness of this illness, by the principle of spiritual sensitivity, here " It is a terrifying fact that it invites "possession of the sick spirit" and finally causes a serious illness, so if you are well aware of this point, you will be able to transcend the illness. There is.

Taniguchi: Let me give you an example here. There is a doctor in Nagano prefecture who is enthusiastic about Konkokyo. When I read "Seicho-no-Ie" on a certain occasion, only the teachings of Guru Kanemitsu appear clearly and vividly in the teachings of "Seicho-no-Ie". When I read "Seicho-no-Ie", I heard that only the Guru Kanemitsu became able to understand more deeply, and I was asked to distribute a large number of "Seicho-no-Ie" to the inpatients of the hospital that I run. It was. Among the inpatients, a student of Niigata Medical College who had trouble with rib caries and had a part of the ribs amputated five years ago, but the affected area did not heal and became worse every year and was recently treated for the fifth time. had. When I read "Seicho-no-Ie", I realized that it was my dark feelings that had delayed the recovery of my illness, and I realized the reality of life, and I felt bright from the ground up. However, there is an example in which the rib caries, which had been suffering for five years, was completely healed within a few months, and soon after, the marriage problem was raised. The nurse who was taking care of him during his hospital stay was impressed by seeing the example, and now he is an enthusiastic magazine friend of Seicho-no-Ie. Isn't it interesting? If you can get rid of your illness by talking about the facts of life, read the monthly Seicho-no-Ie magazine that describes the story and the scripture "The Facts of Life" that can be further systematically detailed. It is natural that it will be cured by, but it seems to be a miracle from the viewpoint of outsiders.

Then, this is the story of a person who is an avid teacher of Tenrikyo in Osaka, and his son suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and was hemoptytic many times. My father says, "Believe in the teachings of Tenrikyo, the illness will be cured," but I cannot say that I cannot believe such irrational teachings. He was returned to a relative's house on the Hokuriku coast because the air was bad in a city like Osaka. At that time, the son's sister brought the magazine "Seicho-no-Ie". If you read that, you cannot believe Tenrikyo that the human body is borrowed from God, but the teaching of "Seicho-no-Ie" that the human body is a tentative, unrealistic phantom. It is said that you can believe it because it is rational, and as you continue reading, you gradually become aware of the reality of your own life, and your health has recovered rapidly, the teacher of Tenrikyo who is the father. He is a person who has a good education after graduating from university, but to know what the teaching of "Seicho-no-Ie" is that a son who is stubbornly good if he does not believe in Tenrikyo can believe it. I wanted to be, and he asked me to send two books to try. When I sent the second collection, No. 4, No. 5 that I had just in hand, as I read "Seicho-no-Ie", I taught only the true that Tenrikyo Guru preached, and the true Guru's only heart was once. He said that he could clearly understand each time, and read it more than twelve times in a row, saying, "This is truly the word of God. There is. " On the other hand, my son realized the truth while reading "Seicho-no-Ie" and no longer had to rebel against the teachings of Tenrikyo. My father believed in Tenri religion, my son did his best if he didn't believe it, and during that time there was a mental conflict between his father and his son, which prevented him from healing his illness. However, I don't need to do my best or rebel in my son's heart. If I live in Tenrikyo, I live in the teachings of other religions, and at the same time, in my own life. In addition, when I came to enjoy the "actual reality of life" like the perfect peaceful son who lives in the love of my father, I have been able to reconcile with each other by "believe in Tenrikyo" and "do not believe". It became possible to reconcile between the father and the son who did not exist. There is nothing like getting sick or getting sick, but there is a reconciliation in the family that is more important than healing the illness. Since the teaching of God should be the teaching of love and the teaching of harmony, the teaching itself is so good that the father and son are in conflict with each other because of what one family member believed in. However, there is a bias in the understanding of each person who believes in that teaching. When this bias is removed, the true God is understood, and the true phase of one's life is understood, human beings Since they are one in the reality of their lives, they have to reconcile with each other. The subconscious rebellion of losing to the father and the power of not being able to keep the parent's face-to-face unless the child is submissive are lost. Human dignity is not due to such tricks. Human dignity is reconciled in the truth that its nature lies in being a child of God, and that everyone is a child of God. The son, who was rebelling against the teachings of Tenrikyo, was able to return to his father's permission and reconcile and hold hands by the "Seicho-no-Ie". He was completely cured of his illness, and the other day he was so energetic that he and his father could walk along the 5th and 6th ri roads to the Yamato Tenrikyo Headquarters.

The god of the Seicho-no-Ie says, "I wonder if we will be great, and we will flow into all the teachings and gain life." If you can understand the gods and teachings better and read Tenrikyo, the teachings of Tenrikyo will come to life. Also, like Mr. XX, he is a Buddhist priest who knows "Seicho-no-Ie". Some people say that they are blended into the teachings of the book, and that any religion gains the power to live in Seicho-no-Ie. This is because it allows us to worship the variously divided teachings from the root and from the "actual reality of life."

A ――In some religions, because you believe in the teachings, you may have a family relationship, but I worship that the teachings of Seicho-no-Ie are precious to work in harmony with each other. We are doing it. The title of the book "The Facts of Life" is also a name that really fits the content.

Taniguchi: The title of the book was solicited from a magazine friend and was decided according to the Goddess from among the applications, but that was the name of Mr. Osamu Aoki from Hokkaido.

A: I have always heard from doctors that diarrhea is an excretion of bacteria and fever is a resistance to illness in my health. Only with true enlightenment to realize that the illness has begun to be expelled will the illness be cured and there will be no possession of the sick spirit. This is the gospel that I would like to share with everyone. According to what I said earlier, on the eve of sudden diarrhea or fever, a careful mother usually knows that, but for me with a young child, it often makes sense. ..

Nakahata: A stubborn child devours gastronomy and eats unnecessarily because he is quite hungry, or even though he is quite tired, he is drawn by his playmate and still forcibly plays. The primitive work of wanting to play is overwhelming, so I certainly feel it for the child himself, but the childish consciousness of this world does not suppress this. The mother always realizes the mutation by acting like a child, so she should purify her devotion on behalf of her child at that time. It is a word that denies hesitation, "I am a healthy and growing child, and if I eat a little too much, I will not break down. I will be fine tomorrow." "I may have played too much tonight, but I play. If you go too far, you won't break down, you'll be a child of a vigorous god, and you'll recover tomorrow. " .. Then you will definitely be sensitive to your child.

 B: It seems that the story goes back, but adults may suddenly have abdominal pain, fever, or gallstone disease without knowing anything. This is an example I know. If you have a serious internal organ disease without knowing it, and if you see a doctor and it is very serious or it is too late, the accumulation of your thoughts will flow without you knowing it. I don't think I can seize the opportunity to purify that desire in the words of truth.

Nakahata: It is said that adults develop this kind of illness without knowing it, but even if you do not have the consciousness of getting sick, if you observe closely, bad thoughts will surely flow. It is something that is. Or you can eat a little too much because it tastes good even though you are quite full, or you can drink it because you are quite drunk but think that it is still a little good. Eat and drink, or eat or work while worrying about something, everyone does something with this thing in their hearts. This is what causes the accumulation of thoughts to flow. It is said to be "unknowingly", but if you have any experience with it for the first time, please check it out. There is always a flow of this bad feeling of sexuality. What I'm doing with a slight excuse to myself at the bottom of my heart, the accumulation of thoughts that are no longer straightforward, is triggered by the thoughts of "drinking," "eating," and "working," where the illness develops. It has been revealed. Illnesses such as gallstones do not come overnight, but are a long-standing, bad habit, a spillover of the accumulation of devotion. People with gallstones, according to expert theory, love carnivorous foods, especially rich foods, and are indispensable for the day, so that people who have a habit of smoking do not stop smoking meaninglessly. The general public eats so-called rich nutritional foods every day, which you do not know if you should take them once or twice a week. Whether you're eating, or you've been worried for years, internally or on your job, or you've been holding back your annoyed feelings for a long time, all of this is a remarkable accumulation. It is the result of having a continuous flow of. The method of purification seizes this opportunity of change and thinks about the words of truth. As I said a little before, it is very good to make love and other works from the beginning. While the agglomeration of love and other karma lurks as an agglomeration of intrinsic good karma, it neutralizes the agglomeration of bad karma, such as the constant manifestation of these diseases, and works to remarkably diminish its power. Like the bactericidal agent in the world, it has the power to exterminate the root cause of this disease. That is why the illness is cured by adjusting the mind, reconciling with the brothers, and reconciling with the family.

Taniguchi: To create an agglomeration of love and others is to do good work in a nutshell, but to do this good work is to do something that is not private and selfish. Love words are also included in this good work. Even if you don't commit moral and criminal guilt, you can't get the true health of the house-the health of your body, your circumstances, your destiny without this Japanese-faced love word. Even if you get sick, it is difficult to cure the illness by spreading it to your family. The human mind is like a radio reception set, and if the set is bad, no matter how good the broadcast program is, you won't hear good music. In the same way, each life is a reproduction of that life in various places after receiving a broadcast from the Great Life, so there is no fundamental way to improve the rhythm of self-life other than improving the set of minds.