Troye Sivan chats all about new single ‘Rush’ | トロイ・シヴァンと、思わずはまった動画や音楽と



On Friday, October 13, 2023, Troye Sivan released his long-awaited third full-length album, "Something To Give Each Other"!
2023年10月13日(金)に、待望の3枚目のフルアルバム、「Something To Give Each Other」をリリースしたトロイ・シヴァン!

※In the music video for "One of Your Girls", Sivan showed off his gorgeous cross-dressing appearance as a drag queen!
 "One of Your Girls"のMVでは、シヴァンはドラッグクイーンとして、あでやかな女装の姿を披露しました!

On November 15, 2023,
In ARIA Music Awards, established in 1978 by the Australian Recording Industry Association to celebrate the best work in the Australian music industry,
Troye Sivan won the 4 categories!
ARIAミュージック・アワード(ARIA Music Awards:オーストラリア音楽業界大手のオーストラリアレコード産業協会が主催する、1978年にオーストラリアの音楽業界の優れた作品を称える目的で作られた音楽賞)


※Troye Sivan in the Prada costume! プラダの衣装で登場したトロイ・シヴァン!


(2023 ARIA Awards)
International sensation Troye Sivan takes home the most ARIA Awards in 2023 with a total of four:
Song of the Year Presented by YouTube,
Best Solo Artist,
Engineer – Best Engineered Release (Styalz Fuego),
Producer – Best Produced Release presented by Neumann (Styalz Fuego)
エンジニア賞(最優秀エンジニアード・リリース賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)、
プロデューサー賞(最優秀プロデュース・リリース賞:ノイマン賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)


Troye Sivan also won two nominations for the 2024 Grammy Awards for "RUSH"!!


This is Troye Sivan's first time being nominated for the Grammy Awards!

from 2024 GRAMMY Nominations:
最優秀ポップ・ダンス・レコーディング賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀アフリカ音楽賞 : RUSH (AYRA STARR)

For all Troye Sivan fans,

Here is ”Troye Sivan chats all about new single ‘Rush’ and reveals how he was once banned from Hinge! 😅!”
「トロイ・シヴァン、ニューシングル『ラッシュ』について、またかつてあるアカウントが凍結された経緯について明かす! 😅」を、お届けいたします!

※Troye Sivan chats all about new single ‘Rush’ and reveals how he was once banned from Hinge! 😅

Troye Sivan joined Roman, Sian and Chris on Capital Breakfast for 12 minutes in heaven to chat all about his new lead single ‘Rush’ from upcoming third studio album Something to Give Each Other, how he was once banned from Hinge AND reveals the story on how he was invited to Beyonce’s birthday party?! 😱
トロイ・シヴァンはローマン、シアン、クリスとともに『キャピタル・ブレックファスト』天国に12分間出演し、シヴァンの3枚目のフルスタジオ・アルバム『サムシング・トゥ・ギヴ・イーチ・アザー』からの新リード・シングル『ラッシュ』について、またかつて、あるアカウントの凍結された経緯について語ります。 なんとシヴァンは、ビヨンセの誕生日パーティーに招待されたのです! 😱

Troye : Jay-Z walked up, and he was like, are you guys getting a drink, and I was like, no, oh my God, sorry, and like moved out of the way, like the fastest I've ever moved, was me getting out of the way, because I was so afraid!
トロイ:ジェイ・Zが歩いてきて、「君たち、一杯飲んでる?」って感じだったので、ぼくは、「いや、なんてことだ、ごめんなさい」って思って、邪魔にならないところへ去って行ったんだけど、今までで一番速く動いたみたいだった。 とても怖かったんだ!

Roman : Capital break first, is Roman, Sean, and Chris, and this morning, we're joined uh... by an old friend, who's got new music, he comes from a land down under, I have to say it, and uh... although today, he's joining us from Los Angeles. Please welcome to the show, uh... someone who I once introduced to the show as Shawn Mendes!
ローマン:「キャピタルブレイクファースト」を、ローマン、ショーン、クリスでお送りします。そして今朝は、ええと...昔からの友人が参加してくれました、新曲を携えてね。彼は、オーストラリアから来ました。そして、ええと...でも今日は、彼はロサンゼルスから参加します。 ショーへようこそ。ええと...ぼくがかつて、「ショーン・メンデス」として、ショーで紹介した人です!

Sian : Oh!

Roman : Yeah, exactly.

Troye : Did that happen by accident?

Chris : Or were you being serious?

Roman : I probably was being serious, but anyway, it's Troye Sivan!

Sian : Yeah, not a bad person to be mistaken for though, Troye.

Troye : No, that's amazing. That's like the only time, that'll ever happen to me, in my whole life.

Roman : Troye, thanks so much for staying up, I know you're staying up late to chat to us today, usually people get up early to chat to us. But, where in the world are you?

Troye : I'm in L.A. um... It's not that late, it's like 10 p.m, that's fine.

Roman : Okay, oh, fair enough, all right, well, look as I said at the start, it's so good to have you back me brand new music, and I know in this radio Studio alone, I can tell you, there comes a point, where everyone has to stop talking the music gets blasted really loud, and everyone just has to dance, and that is for your song, and that is no word of a lie, sir.

Troye : Thank you so much. You know, I was just in London, like maybe three weeks ago, or something like that, and I feel like this song it reminds me of the UK now, because I was like, promoting it while I was there, and everything like that so to me, this is a very um... British song.
トロイ:どうもありがとう。ほら、ぼくはちょうど、3 週間前かそのくらい前に、ロンドンにいたんだけれど、この曲を聴くと、イギリスを思い出すような気がするんだ。なぜなら、ロンドンにいた間、ぼくはずっと、この曲のプロモーションをしていたような気がしたからさ。すべてにおいて、これはすごく、うーん...イギリスの曲なんだ。

Roman : You know, looking at the response to it, are you surprised by it?
Or, when you were making it, you were like, this is proper banger?
ローマン:この曲への反応を見て、きみは、驚いているかい? それとも、作っていたときに、これは、まさしく最高の曲(バンガー)だって思っていたのかい?

Troye : The thing is, I always think that, everything I make, is a baba Banger, you know what I mean? I mean, you would hope so. Because, like you have to put it out, and promote it, and all this stuff, so I never know though how other people are going to react to it. So I was definitely surprised, yeah, I'm really really happy with how it's all going.
トロイ:問題は、ぼくが作るものはすべてババ・バンガーだって、いっつも思っているということなんだ。ぼくがなに言ってるか、わかるかい? だって、そう期待されてるからさ。なぜって、それを世に出して、宣伝しなければならないわけなんだけど、他の人が、それにどのように反応するかなんて、決して、わからないからさ。だから、ぼくは、間違いなく驚いたんだけど、うん、すべてが順調に進んでいることに、本当に、満足しているんだ。

Roman : It was the first time, I'd seen members of this studio, um... notably, the male contingency myself included, uh... learn how to twerk.

Sian : There was a lot to twerk.

Roman : We had a twerk off the other day, yeah.

Sian : To that song.

Chris : Yeah, um... it's obviously, it's a massive pop Anthem, but it's got this kind of charm feel to it, it's got that hook in the chorus, that makes it feel like, it could be, it could potentially be sung on The Terraces of a football match, as well. I'm very excited for that, by the way I can't wait to hear that around vicarage road, but um... what inspired you with the chorus, what made it, what made that come about for you?
クリス:そう、ええと...明らかに、これは大規模なポップアンセムだね。この種の、魅力的な雰囲気があって、コーラスにフックがあり、潜在的な意味で、サッカーの試合のテラス席でも歌えるかもしれないと感じさせるところが、とても楽しみだよ。ヴィカレージ・ロード (イングランド ・ ハートフォードシャー州 ワトフォード にある球技専用スタジアム)のあたりでかけてみるのもいいね。でも、うーん...コーラスのインスピレーションは何だったのかい? どうやって作って、どうやって構想したのかい?

Troye : So I didn't write that part, to be completely honest with you, um... no, yeah, I got sent the song by my friend and it had that it had the course it had like the charm, and that was what like perked my ears up, and then, I wrote around it, but um... but yeah, that's sick I've only been to, like, maybe two sport games in my life, um... so if this like makes me you know feel a bit more comfortable, and accepted in those environments, that's sick.
トロイ : その部分は、ぼくが書いたわけじゃないのさ、正直に言うとね。ええと、友達から、曲を送ってもらったんだけど、その曲には、とても魅力的なフレーズがあってね、ぼくの耳を、高揚させてくれた。それからぼくは、そのフレーズをもとに、書きはじめたんだ。でも、ええと...でも、うん、でもね、ぼくは人生で、おそらく2回しかスポーツの試合しか行ったことがないんだ。ええと...それで、きみが、もうちょっと快適に感じられるように、そういった環境に受け入れられやすいようにしてくれているのはわかるんだけど、ちょっとぼく、居心地が悪いかな。

Roman : You're always accepted in those environments, and the invitation for you, to come to the Emirates, to watch Arsenal, Troye is always there, don't worry.

Troye : Thank you very much.

Sian : But Troye, please do not feel any pressure to go. Because I turn it down every time right, yeah, you don't have to be sat through all that, um... no, let's talk about the music video. That looked like so much fun, a lot of hard work, you know, being around all those gorgeous half-naked people, it looks strenuous.

Troye : It was exhausting to be honest, no, uh... no, it was amazing. We went to Berlin, because we wanted it, to just be a real party. So we went to Berlin, for I was there, for maybe like a week, um... and it was the most fun, that I've ever had making a music video, it was so fun. A lot of it, was like improvised and stuff and um... it was really fun.
トロイ:正直、疲れたけど、いや、うーん、いや、すごかった。 ぼくたちは、ベルリンに行きたかったんだ。ただ、本物のパーティーをしたかったので、ベルリンに行ったんだよ。ぼくは、そこにいたんだ、おそらく、1週間ほどね。ええと...そしてそれは、今まででいちばん、楽しかったんだ。 ミュージックビデオを作ったんだけど、とても楽しかったよ。 ほとんどは即興的なもので、うーん...本当に楽しかった。

Sian : It has that kind of like 80s Vibe, then slash you're kind of embodying Christina Aguilera and dirty with like the crotchless chaps on.

Troye : Wow, thank you. I remember this is so creepy. He's gonna kill me, for saying this, my dad had that music video, saved to our family computer, when I was a kid, this was like, way before YouTube or anything like that, so, that was like one of the only music videos that I could watch, and so I watched that video a lot growing up, probably for different reasons, than my dad did.
トロイ:わぁ、ありがとう。 秘密なんだけど、こんなことを言ったらパパに殺されるかもしれないけど、 父が、ある危ないミュージック ビデオを持っていて、家族のコンピューターに、保存していたんだ。ぼくが、子供の頃、ユーチューブとかが登場するよりずっと前の時代のことで、それは、ぼくが見ることができる、唯一の危ないビデオだった。 おそらく、父とは違う理由で、ぼくは、そのビデオをよく見て育ったんだ。

Roman : I heard something saying that, you're refusing to get too famous for hinge, which if true, I love, because basically, what I was reading, is that, you have almost set these boundaries, that go ”It doesn't matter”, ”how successful doesn't matter”, "how famous I'm gonna get, I want to still be able to do normal things"?
ローマン:きみは、きみのファンの凍結されたアカウントのことで、有名になるのを避けているんだって聞いたんだけど、それって本当かい? きみは、いつも境界線をきっちり引いていて、「そんなこと問題じゃないさ」っていう態度でいたわけだし、そのことで、たとえ成功したり、騒ぎになったりしたって、「とにかく、普通の生活を守りたい」ということだったのかい?

Troye : That is very very true, yeah. I um...I'm not on it at the moment, but it's not because of Any like work stuff, I just like, I'm depressed by that, so I'm not on them right now, but um... but yeah, I was on it. You know, as of like maybe two months ago or something.
トロイ:本当に、本当にね、そうなんだ。そうさ。ぼくは、ええと...今は、そうでもないんだけど、仕事のためじゃなくて、ただ好きでやってたんだけど、そのことで、落ち込んでいるので、今は、あんまり考えてないけど、ええと... でも、うん、ぼくはそのことに、関わっていたんだ。たぶん、2か月くらい前からね。

Sian : The best advert, that place has ever got, and it hits, yeah, everyone will be signing up, now, choice of hands on ?

Roman : Yeah, exactly that would be, but I mean, what would you even put in your bio though. Do you not just write your name, and then, just then people know, or is it like the real one?
ローマン:うん、まさにその通りなんだけど、でも、自分の略歴に、何を入力するんだろうね。 自分の名前を書くだけで、すぐに、人々に知られてしまうのではないかい? それとも、本名じゃないものを書くのかい?

Sian : I got banned like 10 times, or something like that, and then, this was really embarrassing, I had to, um... I went through like my agent, and
asked them, I was like, hey, do you know anybody at hinge like that, could unban
my account for me, or whatever, and they did so, now my account has this like
special thing on it, where it can't get banned for impersonation.

Roman : So that so this is a thing right, so you're getting banned, because people are thinking, you're fake, people think [Laughter]... This chat, kind of leads us into a little game that we'd like to play. Don't worry, it's not based around a hinge, it's actually just based around, uh... true stories, or Troye stories, as we'd like to call them now. Chris, would you like to explain?
ローマン:つまり、この場合、凍結されるのが正しいわけさ。人々は、きみが偽者であると、考えているからさ(笑) さて、ちょっとしたゲームをやってみようか。こういうゲームで、遊んでみよう。心配ないからね、このゲームは、凍結されたアカウントに基づいているわけではなくて、実際には、ええと...実話、もしくは、ぼくたちが呼ぶところの、本当の「トロイの物語」に、基づいてやるだけだから。 クリス、説明してもらえますか?

Chris : Yeah, of course. Well, it's really simple. So we've got a wheel here, in the studio, that Roman can spin, and on it, we've got a list of Life events, that we've all gone through, because we've all got a story, right? But what we want to know is, what is Troye's stories?
クリス:オーケイ。そうだね、本当に簡単なんだよ。 ここのスタジオには、ローマンが回せる車輪があって、その上には、ぼくたち全員が経験したような、人生の出来事のリストがあるんだ。なぜなら、ぼくたちはみんな、物語を持っているからさ。でも、ぼくたちが知りたいのは、本当の「トロイの物語」とは何なのかということさ。

Roman : So whatever it lands on, you've just got to give us a personal story, connected to that scenario.

Sian : Okay, so on the wheel, just so you know these are sort of the options, that could crop up, we've got Awards after party, family members birthday, School formal first kiss, being Starstruck holiday, and breaking the law.

Roman : Okay, right! Should we give this a spin, Troye?
ローマン:オーケイ、そうさ! 試してみようか、トロイ?

Troye : Let's do it.

Roman : Here we go, uh... we have got, okay, first scenario. Tell us ”a Troye story about a school formal”.

Troye : Um... okay, so I was home schooled um... but then, my old school that I did go to, I wasn't allowed to, um... bring a boy slash go with a boy, so a sweet girl in my Arielle hochberg, I owe her one, she did me a solid, and brought me um... as her, like gay friend.

Sian : Was that like a prom then?

Troye : Yeah, yeah well, but we called it, um... the ball, the School Ball.

Roman : Oh, that's so nice. What was their name again?

Troye : Arielle hochberg.

Roman : Well, there you go she gets one, yeah exactly. Right here, we go next up, okay, we are going with [Music] A Toy Story of when you were Starstruck?
ローマン:そうだね、彼女は、きみの同伴者役を手に入れたんだね、そうさ。 次のステップに進もうか。有名人に会って、感動したストーリーについて話してくれる?

Troye : I was not invited to this, that's why, I feel okay saying this, I was, um... Lily Rose Depp's plus one to Beyonce's birthday party. That was crazy, um.... But I was like standing, I remember, I was standing in front of the bar, like talking to um... someone I don't know, and then, Jay-Z walked up, and he was like, are you guys getting a drink, and I was like, no, oh my God, sorry, and like moved out of the way, like the fastest I've ever moved, was me getting out of the way, because I was so afraid, um... but yeah, he was really nice, Beyonce was really nice, and um, it was really fun.
トロイ:ぼくは、招待されていなかったんだ。だから、このストーリーについて、話すことにするね。ぼくは、ええと、ビヨンセの誕生日パーティーに、パーティー招待客であるリリー・ローズ・デップの同伴者として、参加したのさ。 クレイジーな出来事だった。ええと...でも、ぼくは、バーの前に立って、ええと...ぼくの、よく知らない人と、話していたんだ。そして、ジェイ・Zが歩いてきて、「君たち、一杯飲んでる?」って感じで話しかけてきたので、ぼくは「いや、なんてことだ、ごめんなさい」って感じで、邪魔にならないところように、今までのぼくで、もっとも素早いといえる動作で、逃げていったんだ。 とても怖かった! ええと...でも、うん、彼は、本当に素晴らしかったし、ビヨンセも、本当に素晴らしかったし、ええと、本当に楽しかった。

Roman : Do they, tell me this, would Beyonce have a cake and if so how big is it?
ローマン:教えてよ、ビヨンセは、ケーキを用意していたの? どのくらいの大きさのケーキだったんだい?

Troye : She did have a cake? I was not invited to this, that's why, I feel okay saying this, I was um... Lily, I don't want to talk too much, because then, I'll never get invited.
トロイ:ケーキなんてあったかなあ? ぼくは、正式な招待客じゃなかったから、だから、これは、言ってもいいことだと思うんだけど、ぼくは、リリーに言ったんだ、あんまり、ぼく、話したりしないからね。だって、もう二度と招待されなくなっちゃったら、嫌だから。

Roman : Oh yeah, we'll stick with the image of a massive cake, and Jay-Z just wanted to get to the bar, and you just, so you said, do you think it was
just the kind of Aura of Jay-Z, that made you move that quick?

Troye : Yeah, I was, I mean, I'm, I was just like in awe, I couldn't believe, it felt like, I was at, um... Madame two swords, but like the Harry Potter version or something, where they were all moving, like they'd all come to life.

Roman : But you were the plus one, so do you think you did enough at the party, to get your own invite next time?

Troye : Yeah, I was, I mean, I'm, I was just like in awe, I couldn't believe, it felt like, I honestly, no, I was probably like super Meek, and quiet, and just like lame, um... yeah, just afraid.

Roman : Sorry, last question. How did Lily Rose Depp come about asking you, because I mean, surely, that's not a, "Would you like to come", that's "I am giving you the power of coming".
ローマン:最後の質問に行くよ。 リリー・ローズ・デップから、どうやって、同伴者に誘われたのかい? だって、きっと、「来ませんか?」とかじゃなくて、「私があなたに、来る力を与えてあげるわ」ということだったんだよね。

Troye : Well, so I had already asked her, it was really fun night actually, because we went to the Lady Gaga concert, and so, we were already together, and she was like, "By the way, do you want to come to this with me", and I said "Yeah".
トロイ:まず、ぼくが彼女を誘ったんだ。実際、本当に楽しい夜だった。ぼくたちは、レディー・ガガのコンサートに行ったのさ。それで、ぼくたちは、既に、一緒の時間を過ごしていた。そして彼女は、「ところで、あなたはこのパーティに、私と一緒に来ないかしら」というような感じだった。 それでぼくは、「行くよ」と言ったんだ。

Roman : It was like, it was during Lady Gaga was performing telephone, and she was like, oh, you know the other lady in this song, I forgot to mention, I've got to go to this party, right, that is, well, that is a very impressive one, right? Okay, here we go, this is it, final spin. Tell us a Troye story behind your first kiss.
ローマン:レディー・ガガが、テレフォン・パフォーマンスをしていたときのことだったんだけど、彼女は、「ああ、この曲に出てくる女性を知ってるわ、言い忘れてたけど、彼女の誕生日パーティーに、行かなきゃいけないのよ」と言っていた。印象深いことだね。 さて、行こうか、これが最後のスピンだよ。 きみのファーストキスについての、「トロイの物語」を教えてくれるかい。

Troye : Um... we were playing "Seven Minutes in Heaven" at my house in Perth, and I was with um... Daniela Wasserman, and we, yeah, we went in, and kissed with tongue.

Roman : So remind me, right? So ”Seven Minutes in Heaven”, that is literally like, you have a like a closet door, or like, a boy did you just go into a wardrobe, I've never played this game.
ローマン:思い出してみようか。 「セブン・ミニッツ・イン・ヘブン」というのは、文字通り、クローゼットのドアとか、ワードローブとかに入っていって、何でも好きなことをしてみようというゲームだよね。ぼくは、プレイしたことがないんだけど。

Troye : We went into the toilet, yeah. It was just like, um... we were
all kind of like, sitting outside, and I think, it's, I think, it was spin the bottle Vibes, and it lands on two people, and then, you go into a room for seven minutes, you go into the toilet for seven minutes.
トロイ:ぼくたちは、トイレに入っていったんだ。 それはまさに、ええと...ぼくたちは、外に座っていて、ボトルのバイブを回して、それがふたりの上に落ちて、それから、7分間、部屋に入っていって、トイレのなかに、7分間、入っていたような感じだった。

Roman : But the kiss, that wouldn't have lasted seven minutes, it would have been like.

Troye : I remember, I remember like talking about the kiss after the kiss, and kicking a bit more and whatever.

Roman : Amazing. Troye, thanks so much, um...for chatting to us today, I mean, you are quite literally in a rush with your life, at the minute, I can probably guess that, um... but dude, always lovely to see you, this time I got your name, right? I didn't call you Shawn Mendes, so that was brilliant, and uh... and hopefully, see you soon as Wolverine again!
ローマン:すばらしい。 トロイ、本当にありがとう。今日は、ぼくたちとチャットしてくれてありがとう。きみは、文字通り、人生を生き急いでいるものね。現時点でいうと。ええと...でも、いつも、きみに会えてほんとにうれしいよ。じゃあ、今度は、きみの名前を、正しく発音してみよう、「ショーン・メンデス」と呼ぶんじゃなくてね、それもすてきだったと思うけど。そして、できれば、「ウルヴァリン」(シヴァンはハリウッド映画「ウルヴァリン:X-MEN ZERO」で主人公の子役を務めている)としてのきみに、またすぐに、お会いしましょう!

Troye : For sure sounds good, and I want to see you guys, in person, I want to come back, and hang out.

Sian : Yeah!

Roman : 100 %. Are you gonna come to London soon?

Troye : I think so, yeah. I don't know when, but I think, I'll be back soon.

Sian : We come to London, we will get the dream Boys in, and we'll have them all twerking to that song. You want to get the leather chaps, are you?
シアン:ロンドンに来たら、ドリームボーイズを迎え入れて、全員で、あの曲に合わせてトゥワークを練習しましょうね。 レザーチャップスを、手に入れたいわね?

Troye : Yeah.

Roman : Okay, done, sold now, I'm really gonna come, yeah. I enjoy, thanks so much for joining us, let's hear for choice, it's Troye Sivan!(applause)

■トロイ・シヴァン 「Something To Give Each Other」
(Troye Sivan : 'Something To Give Each Other')
EMI Australia/Capitol(2023)

TRACKLIST(歌詞和訳リンク集 ”Japanese translation links of the lyrics”)
1. Rush
2. What’s The Time Where You Are?
3. One Of Your Girls
4. In My Room (feat. Guitarricadelafuente)
5. Still Got It
6. Can’t Go Back, Baby
7. Got Me Started
8. Silly
9. Honey
10. How To Stay With You

Considered to be one of the hottest works of 2023, Troye Sivan's long-awaited third critically acclaimed full album has finally been released!

”Something To Give Each Other” debuted at the top of Billboard's dance and electronic albums chart!
「Something To Give Each Other」は、ビルボードのダンス&エレクトロニック・アルバム・チャートで、初登場1位を獲得!


And, ”Something To Give Each Other” became Troye Sivan's first number one album in his home country of Australia!
そして「Something To Give Each Other」は、母国オーストラリアで初のナンバー1アルバムを獲得しました!

※Troye Sivan won his first No. 1 album in his home country of Australia, and is very satisfied=^_^=


On November 15, 2023,
In ARIA Music Awards, established in 1978 by the Australian Recording Industry Association to celebrate the best work in the Australian music industry,
Troye Sivan won the 4 categories!
ARIAミュージック・アワード(ARIA Music Awards:オーストラリア音楽業界大手のオーストラリアレコード産業協会が主催する、1978年にオーストラリアの音楽業界の優れた作品を称える目的で作られた音楽賞)

(2023 ARIA Awards)
International sensation Troye Sivan takes home the most ARIA Awards in 2023 with a total of four:
Song of the Year Presented by YouTube,
Best Solo Artist,
Engineer – Best Engineered Release (Styalz Fuego),
Producer – Best Produced Release presented by Neumann (Styalz Fuego)
エンジニア賞(最優秀エンジニアード・リリース賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)、
プロデューサー賞(最優秀プロデュース・リリース賞:ノイマン賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)

Troye Sivan also won two nominations for the 2024 Grammy Awards for "RUSH"!!

※Troye Sivan - Rush (Official Video)
※(from Wikipedia)Michael Sun of The Guardian believed "Australia is in its gay era", thanks to the back-to-back releases of "Rush" and Kylie Minogue's "Padam Padam", and described Sivan's track as "pure gay smut: a paean to poppers inspired by the sweaty clubs of Melbourne's Smith Street.
※Ben Beaumont-Thomas of the same publication compared its funky house rhythm to Spiller's "Groovejet", writing, "with a rowdy chorus chanted as if by a troupe of distractingly buff personal trainers, it's all sweat and heavy breathing".
※Shaad D'Souza of Pitchfork awarded the song their "Best New Track" distinction and observed that "Rush" is "unconcerned with anything but pure ecstasy".
The writer went on to praise the singer for producing a "sublime, orgiastic summer anthem".
The writer went on to praise the singer for producing a "sublime, orgiastic summer anthem".
※Kaelen Bell of Exclaim! found Sivan's "horny new single" a "thumping, kinetic dance banger".
※Writing for Dork, Stephen Ackroyd called it "a bum-slapping bop" and "the most fun you'll have all summer".
※Jason P. Frank of Vulture also found it a "bop", while thinking it works better with the music video,
※and added: "This is a song meant for partying through the heat, for doing a substance or two, for turning the dance floor into a make-out sesh.


This is Troye Sivan's first time being nominated for the Grammy Awards!

from 2024 GRAMMY Nominations:
最優秀ポップ・ダンス・レコーディング賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀アフリカ音楽賞 : RUSH (AYRA STARR)

Platinum-selling artist Troye Sivan!


In the music video for "One Of Your Girls" (the music video that achieved 8.1 million views in the two weeks of its release and became the 78th most popular music video in the world), Troye Sivan performed his first "bewitching drag queen (cross-dressing) appearance" (eyes were glued to it)!
”One Of Your Girls”のMV (リリース2 週間で810万 回視聴を達成し、世界で人気 78 位のミュージック ビデオ) では、シヴァン先生初の、「妖艶なドラッグクイーン(女装)姿」を披露(思わず目が釘付けに)!!






※Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Official Video)
※Released mere hours after the album dropped, the singer’s video for “One of Your Girls” might just be his best yet. In the clip, the 28-year-old dons drag publicly for the first time, wearing a series of stunning ensembles and applying a glossy YSL lipstick. As model Alex Consani put it while commenting on one of Sivan’s Instagram teasers for the video: His “doll era is everything.”The “One of Your Girls” also stars actor and musician Ross Lynch, as well as a cast of models including Tomasz Kurdziel and Bobby Nelson.
 そして、アルバムリリースからほどなくリリースされたシンガーのミュージックビデオ「One of Your Girls」は、これまでの傑出したMVと比べてさえ、「最高の出来栄え」であると断言できることだろう。
 「One of Your Girls」は、俳優であり、ミュージションのロス・リンチを「シヴァンの相手役」として配している。また、モデルのTomasz KurdzieやBobby NelsonもMVで共演する。(@ハーパーズ バザー誌(記事全訳と歌詞和訳はこちら))

【リンク】タワーレコードオンライン:Something To Give Each Other

【配信リンク】UNIVERSAL MUSIC:Something To Give Each Other

【リンク】UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE:Something To Give Each Other

■The making video of the MV "One of Your Girls", which achieved 8.1 million views in just two weeks after its release and became the 78th most popular in the world!
リリース後わずか2 週間で810万 回視聴を達成し世界で人気 78 位となったMV「One of Your Girls」の、メイキングビデオ!

※Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Behind the Scenes)

■Troye Sivan announces huge UK and European 2024 tour!

Troye Sivan has announced details of a huge UK and European tour for 2024.
The tour is in support of Sivan’s acclaimed album ‘Something To Give Each Other’, which was released back in October. The record – Sivan’s first in five years – scored the Australian a glowing five-star review from Nick Levine for NME. Levine wrote: “It’s a strikingly vital pop album charged with love, lust, sweat and regret. You won’t need a bosh of poppers to feel thoroughly intoxicated.”
Hailed by The Guardian as "one of this year's best and most distinctive pop albums" and celebrated by Rolling Stone as "a pristine slice of pop heaven," the Something to Give Each Other Tour is destined to be Sivan 's biggest, boldest and brightest tour.
Sivan’s 17-date run will begin in Portugal on May 29, 2024, before continuing throughout Europe. Sivan arrives in the UK on June 22 at the Manchester AO Arena; the tour will conclude in Birmingham.Tickets for the shows go on sale on December 8 at 9am.
このツアーは、10月にリリースされたシヴァンの大絶賛アルバム『Something To Give Each Other』をサポートするものです。 NME誌のニック・レヴァインは、オーストラリア人であるシヴァンにとって5年ぶりとなるこのレコードに、輝かしい5つ星のレビュー評価を与えました。 レヴァインは次のように書いています。「愛、欲望、汗、後悔に満ちた、驚くほど生命力のあるポップ・アルバム。 完全に酔うためには、ポッパーを大量に飲む必要はないだろう。」
シヴァンの17日間の公演は、2024年5月29日にポルトガルで始まり、その後、ヨーロッパ全土で続きます。 シヴァンは、6月22日に英国のマンチェスターAOアリーナに到着します。 ツアーは、バーミンガムで終了します。ショーのチケットは 、12 月 8 日午前 9 時に発売されます。

Something to Give Each Other UK and European Tour 2024 from Troye Sivan HP

Troye Sivan Tour infomation from the ticketmaster

■From the recent photos of Troye Sivan!















I participated in the ranking with the aim of getting as many girls as possible, as well as, as many gay and LGBTQ people as possible, to read my blog for the Australian queer artist Troye Sivan. Thank you for all of your great kindness, and if you don't mind, please give us one push for each photos below, of the artist Troye Sivan and his boyfriend Jacob Bixenman.

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