Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy of Real  | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥
テーマ:Doubtful English  
本出しませんか?と言われたら何書く?  妄想BOOKS☂ネタ: 今スグ『本』出しませんか?と言うなら 
    …そこいらの本屋に既に ありそうか? でも海外出版だぜ。
When the thing of rock'n'roll is born in the world …
It is already before and it is little even so.
For tens of years left though it is the previous problem
At that time, I did not exist either.
The young person at that time,
there might have been an elderly person party of similar feelings to me today, too.
To the condition "The music of a party young of recent cannot be understood".
The person named Scott Joplin where it listened to the classics music
and it lived carved “Rag-Time" on the ground of New Orleans,
and it cradled, the person named Itzhak Perlman played strings of a violin by the fingernail,
the main body of the violin was beaten by bare-handed, and the rhythm was carved.
The recording sound source exists, too. And, JASS changed into JAZZ,
it ran side by side with the flow in the age where Bebop and Swing,
Charles Parker were effective, and in uniting with rhythm & blues, gospel,
and country western &, Hank Williams, and Woody Guthrie also existed. On ground in the United States before.
BluesMan named Hopkins is those days' ..Lightnin '.. people.
And, the image like such “Music map of US"
exists also in the novel of 'ON THE ROAD ' that Jack Kerouac wrote based on self experience.
November 05, 2005 00:22:22 (原文)  
It was Beatles and Rolling Stones (another) that knew wonderful of "Rock music"
in the world that established an original R&B style while referring to
Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and Gary US Bond, etc.
though it seeming is an American named Alain Fried in 1953 that made word "Rock'n'roll".
The spirits of men who debuted from Britain (entertainment world in London)
infiltrate many minds of the person all over the world through music now in the 1960's.
The doubt is felt in the society, and it is unavoidable
and is doing of resistance to the society on another occasion at one stage …
zeal that is exceeded the wall at the word, the race,
and the border by rock music and told people and "Point to be checked of love" are inscrutable.
There is "Rock music"
as human race's property that naturally infiltrated neither a religion nor specific educational
thought's being controlled around the youth culture,
and was shared by everyone never.
July 19, 2006 23:41:42 (原文)  
The field of music
It is a theme in shape that treats easily most as a expressive medium as for human's energy that won't be seen.
Though the play or the movie and the image art are also similar
The speed transmitted from the human to a human mind is different.
The color might be understood according to the sound even in case of the human who doesn't see its eyes.
The Old Testament and the New Testament among 'Book' scattered on all over the world.
Or, Buddhist scriptures, that is, thousands of 10000 volumes
and sutras that overflow with the number that reaches excrement as a useless,
old common sense in human race who lives in this age now …
it has energy that music infiltrates human hearts
more than they are made the experience like losing sight of oneself reading them
and familiar at a far faster speed.
Especially, there was a nappy music as a starting point from which the color of human's red blood was condensed
to the sound before the Rock was born.
The rock'n'roll, R&B, the blues, gospel, jazz
or neither funk nor the lap might have been born
in this world if it had been assumed that there was no history that the immigrant person (human ambition) in Europe etc.
abducted the black from the Africa continent to the American Continent as a slave.
Rock music and JAZZ
To expiate the crime that has been committed by conscious variously ..we human races' low brains in the past..
It is a material for one person and the one person to be effective from there as correct human.
The music critic party on the street : very.
Be already useless, and even if you drag current common sense
how was the moment when it had listened to the sound that I had not known yet in now?
Here is important.
Many etc. of modern mass production type ready-made goods music
It starts from "0" when CD of the sound that relies on a convenient machine sooner or later
and is made becomes a large amount of recyclable waste or the number also of humans
who try to do something over again increases.
2009-04-04 22:44:14 (原文)  

    Rock N' Roll Fantasy by The Kinks  
    [url=]A Rock N' Roll Fantasy by The Kinks [/url]