Terrible Blog has been discovered. | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥

Nice to meet you.


Man of The-Rolling-Stones to which it listens with reggae

This article (Excluding the comment and TB of everybody) that doesn't descend to the material

Even if you attempt the exchange with various people according to the example
When you wander the track back ahead
Very, such Sgee "Life cliff Blog" was discovered. ↓
(・・・Mr. Take also sees. Known ..)


Tatsuya Nakatsuka: Photojournalist of free-lance. Coverage ground: Afghanistan, Cambodia, and East Timor,Africa etc.

It walks about 50 countries by travel. The link freely : please. leonlobo@mail.goo.ne.jp

This is not Tadamono.
I want to teach to that Mr. Ishido.

Seriously for positive people to living
I think that it is an irreplaceable activity.
Never let the fact be omitted in this age.
Doing the lid to the smell and the cheat, the cheat of me, and living
..not passing any longer...

For instance, changing the situation at this year end and new year : .
There is a symptom seeming to become an important year when the
   act dawning of the 21st century is greatly changed.
The life of thousands of 10000 people ‥ concretely :.
No, this way to say seems already to be good.
It is impolite to Mr. Nakatsukasa.
..darkening.. .

I return to Matomo, too and. "mind resolve"。
・・・Though such splendid.

However, with the kingdom of music
The story of politics
   and "Future of the earth (human race in this the natural world)"
In me because it is not separate
Though it progresses by this Blog simultaneously.
When saying putting parentheses for a moment ・・・
"If the skin is peeled off, it is Docro of all human. "
Keith Richards before
Meaning to fix skeleton ring into my right hand(?)
It runs to the word that makes remarks on.
・・・In the meaning not considered too much difficultly.

And here are Terrible. Mr. Okamoto. product's page.

