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日頃のたわいない事から、気になった事 等々。
気ままなブログです♬ 音楽好き♬ ビートルズ好き♬ #Beatles

オバマ米大統領の広島スピーチ全文 「核保有国は、恐怖の論理から逃れるべきだ」










































Text of President Obama’s Speech in Hiroshima, Japan


The following is a transcript of President Obama’s speech in Hiroshima, Japan, as recorded by The New York Times.

Seventy-one years ago, on a bright cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed. A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself.

Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder a terrible force unleashed in a not-so-distant past. We come to mourn the dead, including over 100,000 Japanese men, women and children, thousands of Koreans, a dozen Americans held prisoner.

Their souls speak to us. They ask us to look inward, to take stock of who we are and what we might become.

It is not the fact of war that sets Hiroshima apart. Artifacts tell us that violent conflict appeared with the very first man. Our early ancestors having learned to make blades from flint and spears from wood used these tools not just for hunting but against their own kind. On every continent, the history of civilization is filled with war, whether driven by scarcity of grain or hunger for gold, compelled by nationalist fervor or religious zeal. Empires have risen and fallen. Peoples have been subjugated and liberated. And at each juncture, innocents have suffered, a countless toll, their names forgotten by time.

The world war that reached its brutal end in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was fought among the wealthiest and most powerful of nations. Their civilizations had given the world great cities and magnificent art. Their thinkers had advanced ideas of justice and harmony and truth. And yet the war grew out of the same base instinct for domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest tribes, an old pattern amplified by new capabilities and without new constraints.

In the span of a few years, some 60 million people would die. Men, women, children, no different than us. Shot, beaten, marched, bombed, jailed, starved, gassed to death. There are many sites around the world that chronicle this war, memorials that tell stories of courage and heroism, graves and empty camps that echo of unspeakable depravity.

Yet in the image of a mushroom cloud that rose into these skies, we are most starkly reminded of humanity’s core contradiction. How the very spark that marks us as a species, our thoughts, our imagination, our language, our toolmaking, our ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will — those very things also give us the capacity for unmatched destruction.

How often does material advancement or social innovation blind us to this truth? How easily we learn to justify violence in the name of some higher cause.

Every great religion promises a pathway to love and peace and righteousness, and yet no religion has been spared from believers who have claimed their faith as a license to kill.

Nations arise telling a story that binds people together in sacrifice and cooperation, allowing for remarkable feats. But those same stories have so often been used to oppress and dehumanize those who are different.

Science allows us to communicate across the seas and fly above the clouds, to cure disease and understand the cosmos, but those same discoveries can be turned into ever more efficient killing machines.

The wars of the modern age teach us this truth. Hiroshima teaches this truth. Technological progress without an equivalent progress in human institutions can doom us. The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral revolution as well.

That is why we come to this place. We stand here in the middle of this city and force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. We force ourselves to feel the dread of children confused by what they see. We listen to a silent cry. We remember all the innocents killed across the arc of that terrible war and the wars that came before and the wars that would follow.

Mere words cannot give voice to such suffering. But we have a shared responsibility to look directly into the eye of history and ask what we must do differently to curb such suffering again.

Some day, the voices of the hibakusha will no longer be with us to bear witness. But the memory of the morning of Aug. 6, 1945, must never fade. That memory allows us to fight complacency. It fuels our moral imagination. It allows us to change.

And since that fateful day, we have made choices that give us hope. The United States and Japan have forged not only an alliance but a friendship that has won far more for our people than we could ever claim through war. The nations of Europe built a union that replaced battlefields with bonds of commerce and democracy. Oppressed people and nations won liberation. An international community established institutions and treaties that work to avoid war and aspire to restrict and roll back and ultimately eliminate the existence of nuclear weapons.

Still, every act of aggression between nations, every act of terror and corruption and cruelty and oppression that we see around the world shows our work is never done. We may not be able to eliminate man’s capacity to do evil, so nations and the alliances that we form must possess the means to defend ourselves. But among those nations like my own that hold nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them.

We may not realize this goal in my lifetime, but persistent effort can roll back the possibility of catastrophe. We can chart a course that leads to the destruction of these stockpiles. We can stop the spread to new nations and secure deadly materials from fanatics.

And yet that is not enough. For we see around the world today how even the crudest rifles and barrel bombs can serve up violence on a terrible scale. We must change our mind-set about war itself. To prevent conflict through diplomacy and strive to end conflicts after they’ve begun. To see our growing interdependence as a cause for peaceful cooperation and not violent competition. To define our nations not by our capacity to destroy but by what we build. And perhaps, above all, we must reimagine our connection to one another as members of one human race.

For this, too, is what makes our species unique. We’re not bound by genetic code to repeat the mistakes of the past. We can learn. We can choose. We can tell our children a different story, one that describes a common humanity, one that makes war less likely and cruelty less easily accepted.

We see these stories in the hibakusha. The woman who forgave a pilot who flew the plane that dropped the atomic bomb because she recognized that what she really hated was war itself. The man who sought out families of Americans killed here because he believed their loss was equal to his own.

My own nation’s story began with simple words: All men are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Realizing that ideal has never been easy, even within our own borders, even among our own citizens. But staying true to that story is worth the effort. It is an ideal to be strived for, an ideal that extends across continents and across oceans. The irreducible worth of every person, the insistence that every life is precious, the radical and necessary notion that we are part of a single human family — that is the story that we all must tell.

That is why we come to Hiroshima. So that we might think of people we love. The first smile from our children in the morning. The gentle touch from a spouse over the kitchen table. The comforting embrace of a parent. We can think of those things and know that those same precious moments took place here, 71 years ago.

Those who died, they are like us. Ordinary people understand this, I think. They do not want more war. They would rather that the wonders of science be focused on improving life and not eliminating it. When the choices made by nations, when the choices made by leaders, reflect this simple wisdom, then the lesson of Hiroshima is done.

The world was forever changed here, but today the children of this city will go through their day in peace. What a precious thing that is. It is worth protecting, and then extending to every child. That is a future we can choose, a future in which Hiroshima and Nagasaki are known not as the dawn of atomic warfare but as the start of our own moral awakening.

(The New York Times)


Sister Golden Hair ♬ America 

Well I tried to make it Sunday
But I got so damn depressed
That I set my sights on Monday
And I got myself undressed


I ain't ready for the altar
But I do agree there's times
When a woman sure
Can be a friend of mine


Well, I keep on thinkin' 'bout you
Sister golden hair surprise
And I just can't live without you
Can't you see it in my eyes?

そう きみのことをずっと考えてるんだ

I been one poor correspondent
And I been too, too hard to find
But it doesn't mean
You ain't been on my mind


Will you meet me in the middle
Will you meet me in the air?
Will you love me just a little
Just enough to show you care?


Well I tried to fake it
I don't mind sayin'
I just can't make it


Well, I keep on thinkin' 'bout you
Sister golden hair surprise
And I just can't live without you
Can't you see it in my eyes?


Now I been one poor correspondent
And I been too, too hard to find
But it doesn't mean
You ain't been on my mind


Will you meet me in the middle
Will you meet me in the air?
Will you love me just a little
Just enough to show you care?


Well I tried to fake it
I don't mind sayin'
I just can't make it


wa doo-wop
wa doo-wop
wa doo-wop
wa doo-wop





‘Fifth Beatle’ producer George Martin dies at 90 

Legendary British music producer George Martin, who turned the Beatles into the best-selling band in history, has died at the age of 90, the band’s drummer Ringo Starr said on Wednesday.

“God bless George Martin peace and love to Judy and his family love Ringo and Barbara. George will be missed,” Starr said on Twitter.

Starr also posted a black and white picture of the band with Martin.

The producer, who signed up the Beatles after hearing their demo record in 1962, was so essential to the band’s success that he was nicknamed the “Fifth Beatle.”

“R.I.P. George Martin. I’m so gutted I don’t have many words. Thinking of Judy and Giles and family,” John Lennon’s son Sean wrote on Instagram, referring to Martin’s wife and one of his four children.

Martin was born in January 1926, a carpenter’s son from north London.

After serving in the Second World War, he studied at the prestigious Guildhall School of Music and began playing the oboe in bars and clubs around London.

His first job was in the BBC’s music library. He then joined the record label Parlophone, a division of EMI, and rose to become its head by 1955 at the age of 29.

Martin quickly realized the Beatles’ potential after first hearing them in 1962.

“I liked them as people apart from anything else and I was convinced that we had the makings of a hit group,” he told Melody Maker magazine in an interview.

“As composers, they didn’t rate. They hadn’t shown me that they could write anything at all.”

The band’s first single, “Love Me Do,” which reached No. 4 in the charts in October 1962, “was pretty poor but it was the best we could do,” he said.

That song was followed by “Please Please Me,” which made number two, and “From Me To You” in April 1963 — their first chart-topper.

Martin also composed scores for the Beatles films “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Yellow Submarine.”

After the band split, he built the Air Studios on the Caribbean island of Montserrat and went on to work with other artists including Bob Dylan, Sting and Elton John.

He also recorded two of former Beatle Paul McCartney’s solo albums, “Tug of War” and “Pipes of Peace.”

(The Japan Times) 


Killing Me Softly With His Song 
♬ Roberta Flack 

Strumming my pain with his fingers, 
Singing my life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Telling my whole life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song ... 


I heard he sang a good song, 
I heard he had a style. 
And so I came to see him 
to listen for a while. 
And there he was this young boy, 
a stranger to my eyes. 


Strumming my pain with his fingers, 
Singing my life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Telling my whole life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song ... 


I felt all flushed with fever, 
embarrassed by the crowd, 
I felt he found my letters 
and read each one out loud. 
I prayed that he would finish
but he just kept right on ... 


Strumming my pain with his fingers, 
Singing my life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Telling my whole life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song ... 

He sang as if he knew me 
in all my dark despair. 
And then he looked right through me 
as if I wasn't there. 
And he just kept on singing, 
singing clear and strong. 


Strumming my pain with his fingers, 
Singing my life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Telling my whole life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song ... 


He was strumming my pain, 
yeah, he was singing my life. 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Killing me softly with his song, 
Telling my whole life with his words, 
Killing me softly with his song ... 
With his song ...





The Heat Is On ♬ Glenn Frey

The heat is on, on the street
Inside your head, on every beat
And the beat's alive, deep inside
The pressure's high, just to stay alive
'Cause the heat is on

通りじゃ いよいよ大詰め
頭のなかじゃ ビートが刻まれる
息づいてるんだ 心の奥深くに

Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho
Caught up in the action 
I've been looking out for you
Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho
Tell me can you feel it? 
Tell me can you feel it?
Tell me can you feel it?

Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho
Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho

The heat is on, the heat is on
The heat is on, it's on the street
The heat is on

いよいよ大詰めだ 覚悟してろよ
追い込みが始まるぜ 通りも大騒ぎ
さあ 捕まえてやる!

The shadows hide on the darker side
Behind those doors, 
it's a wilder ride
You can make or break
You can win or lose
That's a chance you take 
when the heat's on you
When the heat is on

ヤツらの影は さらに暗い隅に隠れるんだ
行くか やめておくか
勝つか 負けるか

Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho
Caught up in the action 
I've been looking out for you
Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho
Tell me can you feel it? 
Tell me can you feel it?
Tell me can you feel it?

Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho
Oh woo oh ho, oh woo oh ho

The heat is on, the heat is on
The heat is on, it's on the street
The heat is on, the heat is on
The heat is on, it's on the street
The heat is on, 
The heat is on

いよいよ大詰めだ 覚悟してろよ
追い込みが始まるぜ 通りも大騒ぎ

いよいよ大詰めだ 覚悟してろよ
追い込みが始まるぜ 通りも大騒ぎ

さあ 捕まえてやる!

♬The-Heat-Is-On/GlennFrey♬ ☜クリックしてください♬


Glenn Frey, Founder of The Eagles, Dies at 67

Glenn Frey, a founder of the Eagles who helped create some of rock’s biggest hits with fellow songwriter Don Henley, including “Hotel California” and “Lyin’ Eyes,” died Monday in New York at age 67.

Though the singer and guitarist’s band last summer completed a final leg of its History of the Eagles tour, the group recently canceled an appearance at the Kennedy Center Honors because of Frey’s health problems. In recent weeks, he battled rheumatoid arthritis, acute intestinal disease and pneumonia, according to a statement by the band.

Read More: Look Back at Glenn Frey’s Versatility 

Frey, who would help define the California sound of the 1970s with the Eagles’ tight vocal harmonies and country-inflected rock, had his roots in the Midwest. Born in Detroit, he played with a slew of Beatles-inspired local bands before singing back-up and playing guitar on his friend Bob Seger’s first hit, “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man.”

After relocating to Los Angeles, he immersed himself in the singer-songwriter scene of the late 1960s, collaborating with rising stars Jackson Browne and Linda Rondstadt, not to mention young music executives including David Geffen. He met Henley and formed the Eagles (with Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner) in 1971, kicking off one of rock’s most successful—and fractious—songwriting partnerships.

In a statement released Monday, Henley said, “He was like a brother to me; we were family, and like most families, there was some dysfunction. But, the bond we forged 45 years ago was never broken, even during the 14 years that the Eagles were dissolved.”

The band released six albums before breaking up in 1980. Frey launched a successful solo career that fed off a slick rock sound and Hollywood tie-ins. His song “Smuggler’s Blues” led to a guest appearance on “Miami Vice.” “The Heat Is On,” his song for the Eddie Murphy movie “Beverly Hills Cop” turned into a Top 10 hit.

From the Archives: Glenn Frey Loves Classic Pop

The Eagles got back together in 1994—an unlikely reunion dubbed the Hell Freezes Over Tour. Though the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees released new material on the 2008 album “Long Road Out of Eden,” the group’s final outing was a retrospective. A two-part documentary film, “History of the Eagles,” supplemented a roughly two-year concert tour by the same name, which found Frey and his bandmates performing in an intimate stage set up and telling stories about their musical past.

(The Wall Street Journal)

David Bowie, the Legendary Musician, Has Died at 69


The legendary musician David Bowie has died at 69, according to his publicist.

His death was reported in posts on Facebook and Twitter, and confirmed by the publicist, Steve Martin, on Monday morning.

Mr. Martin did not provide a cause of death, but a statement on Mr. Bowie’s Facebook page said the singer had died after an 18-month battle with cancer.

The multitalented artist, whose last album, “Blackstar,” was released on Friday — on his birthday — was to be honored with a concert at Carnegie Hall on March 31 featuring the Roots, Cyndi Lauper and the Mountain Goats. He also has a musical, “Lazarus,” running Off Broadway.

Born David Jones on Jan. 8, 1947, in South London, Mr. Bowie rose to fame with “Space Oddity,” in 1969, and a later through his jumpsuit-wearing alter ego Ziggy Stardust. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996.

His last live performance was at a New York charity concert in 2006, according to Reuters.

(The New York Times) 



Take Me Home, Country Roads 
♬ John Denver 

Almost heaven, West VirginiaBlue ridge mountains, Shenandoah riverLife is old there, older than the treesYounger than the mountains, growin’ like a breeze


Country roads, take me homeTo the place, I belongWest Virginia, mountain mamaTake me home, country roads


All my memories, gather ‘round herMiner’s lady, stranger to blue waterDark and dusty, painted on the skyMisty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye


RepeatI hear her voice, in the mornin’ hour she calls meThe radio reminds me of my home far awayDrivin’ down the road I get a feelin’That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday


Country roads, take me homeTo the place, I belongWest Virginia, mountain mamaTake me home, country roadsTake me home, country roadsTake me home, country roads





思い出は彼女のことばかり炭鉱夫の妻 は海を知らない暗くて灰にまみれるて空にそびえる密造酒のおぼろげな味を思い出すと涙が目ににじむ




カントリーロード、私を故郷へ連れて行って私の居るべき場所へウエスト バージニアの母なる山へ私を連れて行っておくれ、カントリーロード私を連れて行っておくれ、カントリーロード私を連れて行っておくれ、カントリーロード

♬TakeMeHome,CountryRoads/JohnDenver♬ ☜ こちらをクリックしてください♬

♬TakeMeHome,CountryRoads/OliviaNewton-John♬ ☜こちらをクリックしてください♬


Do They Know It’s Christmas?♬ Band 

t's Christmas time
There's no need to be afraid
At Christmas time
We let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty
We can spread a smile of joy
Throw your arms around the world
At Christmas time

But say a prayer
Pray for the other ones
At Christmas time it's hard
But when you're having fun
There's a world outside your window
And it's a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing
Is the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring there
Are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you

And there won't be snow in Africa
This Christmas time
The greatest gift they'll get this year is life
Where nothing ever grows
No rain nor rivers flow
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

(Here's to you) raise a glass for everyone
(Here's to them) underneath that burning sun
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

Feed the world
Feed the world
Feed the world
Let them know it's Christmas time again
Feed the world
Let them know it's Christmas time again






♬DoTheyKnowIt’sChristmas?/BandAidII♬ ☜ こちらをクリックしてください♬

♬DoTheyKnowIt’sChristmas?/BandAid30♬ ☜ こちらをクリックしてください♬