Prediction on "Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022" | There can be only one...

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Marvelous and Swell..., Goddamn it!

Title: My Sad prediction on the "Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022".









I am here to make a sad prediction, but I hope that the rulers of each country, if they are good people, will do everything in their power to prevent that prediction from becoming a reality.

My Prediction: Chechnya (already occupied and puppeted), Ukraine (currently under invasion and to be puppeted), and next in line to become Putin's puppet regime are the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR)?

The news that led me to make this prediction is listed at the end of this article.



News Resources

1. [Militarnyi, 26 April, 2022(in Japanese Time Line was around 6:00PM, Mon, Apr. 25, 2022] "The explosions in the unrecognized “Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic” are planned provocation actions by Russian intelligence services – Defence Intelligence"


『Militarnyi』は«Ukrainian Military Center»の公式サイト。


2.[産経新聞, 2022/4/26 06:09]「モルドバ親ロシア派地域で爆発 ウクライナ隣国」



3. [Yahoo! News, Tue, April 26, 2022, 9:53 PM] "Explosions in Transnistria have the 'signature' of Russian military intelligence, former Moldova defense minister says"



4. [CTV, April 26, 2022 11:27 p.m. JST] "More explosions in separatist Trans-Dniester, near Ukraine"