Hydrangea flowe0606R03 along the bank of the Sonose River tokushima City

アジサイの花 0606R03園瀬川北岸徳島市


 Hydrangea flowe0606R03 bank of the Sonose River

アジサイの花 0606R03園瀬川北岸徳島市

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00000 Blog Home ブログ ホーム  2022/02/18 Ameba up


50000 Awa no Kuni = Landscape of Tokushima Prefecture 

阿波の国=徳島県の風景  2022/01/23 Ameba up



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plant 植物   2022/01/24 Ameba up





People and flowers Hydrangea flower

【絆】人と花 アジサイの花 0606R03園瀬川北岸徳島市










From Tokushima Honcho, go south on National Highway 11 and 55, turn right at the Kitazume intersection of Ono Bridge, go west on Prefectural Road 203, and when you arrive near the east bus stop of Bunka no Mori Station, along the bank of the Sonose River on the south side of the prefectural road. In addition, you can enjoy the flowers of hydrangea.


You can see the sign "This hydrangea is raised by volunteers in the Hachiman area. Let's take good care of it. Please join us as well. "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association".."


In my memory, hydrangeas have been moisturizing people's eyes in this place for decades.

The "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association".protects the environment of the river and grows hydrangea on the bank as an extension of it.

Protecting the environment of river water is one of the important things that we must inherit from our predecessors and pass on to the next generation.


Thank you to all the volunteers of the "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association".


関連ページ:Related page

plant 植物   2022/01/24 Ameba up




車窓Shaso 徳島本町⇨R11,R55 and Pr 203⇨紫陽花園 園瀬川北岸 徳島市0606R03 2022/06/10 up10:57



From Tokushima Honcho, go south on National Highway 11 and 55, turn right at the Kitazume intersection of Ono Bridge, go west on Prefectural Road 203, and when you arrive near the east bus stop of Bunka no Mori Station, along the bank of the Sonose River on the south side of the prefectural road. In addition, you can enjoy the flowers of hydrangea.


【絆】人と花 アジサイの花 Slide version 0606R03 園瀬川北岸 徳島市 Hydrangea flower 2022/06/15 up 2:44




the east bus stop of Bunka no Mori Station, along the bank of the Sonose River on the south side of the prefectural road. In addition, you can enjoy the flowers of hydrangea.

 You can see the sign "This hydrangea is raised by volunteers in the Hachiman area. Let's take good care of it. Please join us as well. "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association".."



【絆】人と花 アジサイの花 Full version 0606R03園瀬川北岸徳島市 Hydrangea flower 2022/06/18 up 13:34



You can see the sign "This hydrangea is raised by volunteers in the Hachiman area. Let's take good care of it. Please join us as well. "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association".."





In my memory, hydrangeas have been moisturizing people's eyes in this place for decades.

The "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association".protects the environment of the river and grows hydrangea on the bank as an extension of it.

Protecting the environment of river water is one of the important things that we must inherit from our predecessors and pass on to the next generation.



Thank you to all the volunteers of the "Sonose River Clear Stream Protection Association" .


参考文献等:References, etc.

工事中:Under construction


I want to carefully protect the bonds between people and people, people and creatures, and people and nature.

I want to learn the wisdom for that from nature, history ,cultural and customs.

And I would like to share that wisdom with everyone.





Thank you very much.  Well then,

everyone is in a good mood.

good bye.






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