ジャクリーン・ケネディ・オナシス  1961年ー1963年アメリカファーストレディ | Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *

Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *

私の大好きな 美しいもの、綺麗なもの、かわいいもの。 そして 美しい人、綺麗な人、可愛い人をご紹介したいです。
麗しい、美しい、 愛しいものを......
オードリーをはじめとするハリウッドセレブからダイアナ妃やグレース・ケリーなどの各国 王室・王族も。

Jacqueline Kennedy and her son, John Jr., photographed by Richard Avedon, West Palm Beach, January 3, 1961.



July 1, 1961: First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy shows one of the old candleholders from the Monroe furnishings that was purchased in Paris.


President Kennedy and his family leave Otis Air Force Base on Nov. 22, 1961,









Caroline and John Kennedy in the White House nursery, 1961



Taken in the Oval Office following an informal ceremony


April 30, 1963: President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy attend the State Dinner in honor of Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.


On his 46th birthday, the President tickles his son in a White House hallway.



November 22, 1963




Jackie Kennedy and her children, Caroline and John Jr. at John F. Kennedy’s funeral, 1963.

John F. Kennedy Jr. saluting the coffin of his father, on his third birthday, November 25, 1963.





December 6, 1963 John Kennedy Jr. saying good-bye to the kitchen staff.



December 5, 1963. Jackie Kennedy with her children leaving the White House on their last day in residence.




