オードリー・ヘプバーン 過去50年間で最も美しい女性に輝く | Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *

Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *

私の大好きな 美しいもの、綺麗なもの、かわいいもの。 そして 美しい人、綺麗な人、可愛い人をご紹介したいです。
麗しい、美しい、 愛しいものを......
オードリーをはじめとするハリウッドセレブからダイアナ妃やグレース・ケリーなどの各国 王室・王族も。


オードリー・ヘップバーン パリ

Taken from a photoshoot at the Paris Ritz in 1964, the images have been hidden away for over 30 years.
オードリー・ヘップバーン パリ


The most beautiful girls are brunettes

1位 オードリー・ヘプバーン


2位 ダイアナ妃

Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *-ダイアナ妃

3位 グレース・ケリー

Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *-Grace Kelly

4位 ブリジット・バルドー

Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *-ブリジット・バルドー Brigitte Bardot

【フランス女優】ブリジット・バルドー Brigitte Bardot 画像集→





Move over blondes, the most beautiful women are brunettes.

A new survey has asked who the 50 greatest beauty icons of the last 50 years are, with Audrey Hepburn coming out on top.

Overall, 33 out of the 50 were brunettes, 17 blondes and just one redhead - 1940s film legend Rita Hayworth.But supermodel Twiggy was the only other blonde in the top 10, which featured a total of six brunettes. Elizabeth Taylor, the Duchess of Cambridge, Angelina Jolie, Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones all featured, as reported in The Sun today.
Also in the list of desirable brunettes were Kelly Brook, Mila Kunis, Jackie Kennedy, Victoria Beckham and Alexa Chung.In the blonde corner, 17 per cent of those who voted went to Princess Diana.

 Kate Moss, Holly Willoughby, Charlize Theron and Scarlett Johannson all made the list, too.

X Factor judge Cheryl Cole had twice as many votes as Nicole Scherzinger, who also sat on the X Factor panel. Superdrug spokesperson Simon Comins told The Sun: 'The public like to look at all the attributes that make an amazing woman.' Rita Hayworth, who was born Margarita Carmen Cansino in 1918, was the only redhead in the votes. She was, in fact, a natural brunette, but dyed her hair red as she thought it would get her more film roles.

It clearly worked, as the actress and dancer rose to international fame in the 1940s and 1950s as one of Hollywood's sexiest and most iconic 'femme fatales'.

An icon of early cinema, she was one of the few women who danced on screen with both Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. She died of Alzheimer's disease in her Central Park West apartment in Manhattan in May 1987 when she was 68 years old. Breakfast at Tiffanys and Funny Face actress Audrey Hepburn was 63 when she died.
Like Rita, she was considered one of the greatest beauties and most iconic actresses of all time.




