ニコール・キッドマン 2003年 ゴールデングローブ賞で主演女優賞獲得 | Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *

Time Tested Beauty Tips * Audrey Hepburn Forever *

私の大好きな 美しいもの、綺麗なもの、かわいいもの。 そして 美しい人、綺麗な人、可愛い人をご紹介したいです。
麗しい、美しい、 愛しいものを......
オードリーをはじめとするハリウッドセレブからダイアナ妃やグレース・ケリーなどの各国 王室・王族も。


nicole kidman golden globe


nicole kidman golden globe

nicole kidman golden globe
nicole kidman golden globe

2001年「ムーラン・ルージュ」でゴールデン・グローブ賞のコメディー/ミュージカル部門で主演女優賞を受賞し、アカデミー主演女優賞にノミネートされ、2002年『めぐりあう時間たち』でゴールデングローブ賞 主演女優賞(ドラマ部門)、アカデミー主演女優賞受賞したニコール・キッドマン。その翌年であるこの2003年は才能も美しさもピークに。
nicole kidman golden globe

ニコールは2001年に、10年間連れ添ったトム・クルーズと離婚、2006年6月にキース・アーバンと再婚。 そしてなおも美しいです。

こちらはThe Hours(めぐりあう時間たち)でオスカーを受賞した際、アフターパーティーでのインタビューです。

Interview held at the Paramount Pictures after party.

 Interviewer: Richard Wilkins from Channel 9.

Nicole Kidman Interview Oscar

RW Intro: Another emotional speech (meaning others on the night were emotional) from a most deserving winner who made this movie The Hours during a pretty tough time of her life. It is her best work to date. She was nominated last year for Moulin Rouge, but last night was her night. And I had the pleasure of catching up with Nicole, and The Hours director Stephen Daldry, at one of the many Hollywood parties after the awards.

Cross to the interview. Richard walks up to Nicole and congratulates her, and she says hi in a surprised and pleased way.

NK : Hi
RW: Congratulations
NK : Thank you
Richard looks toward Stephen and so someone pushes him forward and says 'Stephen Daldry'
RW: Congratulations sir
SD: Congratulations to you, congratulations to Australia.
RW: Richard Wilkins from Australia
SD: I'm very happy
RW : Indeed you should be sir.
SD : I'm happy, proud. It's very good for Nicole, very good for Australia.
RW : turning back to Nicole : Tell me about that feeling when you're sitting there. There was a look of disbelief on your face when your name was called out.
NK : Yeah...shock. *laughs* I think Russell Crow had the same one didn't he when he won. It was extraordinary actually.
SD : And unexpected
NK : Very unexpected
SD : We didn't really expect it so its a little bit of a treat.
RW: You said Russell told you not to cry, you nearly did.
NK : *laughs* I did, I held it back though didn't I? Stephen? *she looks quizzically at Stephen*
SD : *beaming* I don't know...but it was your mum. What can you do? It's the problem with mums.
NK : My mum broke me.
RW : Did you call Russell and tell him you nearly cried.
NK : I haven't spoken to him yet...no..
RW: A wonderful feeling. Could you feel 19 million people in Australia leaping to their feet as your name was called out?
NK : I was just proud to have been nominated and then to have actually won and I'm proud to represent my country..so..
RW: This movie came along when things weren't that fabulous for you. Tell me about the making of the film and what was going on.
NK : ..I feel so embarrassed now, do you (turning to Stephen), standing here at this time of night, talking about this. .... I mean really in terms of my performance as much as you say, WOW, as an actor you take the credit for it, you also have to say, particularly in film, it is so much to do with what the director does...and here is the man that won me the academy Award. So that 's where it stands. (loudly now and turning again to Stephen) Mr Daldry, thank you!
SD : She's a genius. She did not need me at all.
RW to SD : Well you had 3 genii to play with. Nicole Kidman , Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep. What is it like playing a movie that is set in 3 different eras, 3 different parts. What does that do to your head as a director? Puts it in 3 parts?
SD : Yes it puts it in 3 parts. But I was really blessed with 3 women who were at the top of their game, you know. These actresses are extraordinary and they're reaching their full powers.
RW to NK : ..is this your finest hour?
SD (interrupting) : No, the finest hour is nowhere near yet. This is a little trip along the journey.
NK : No...it was wonderful to have. My son's only 8 years old so he was not allowed to come but my daughter is 10 so she was...the benefits of being a 10 year old....you get to come with your mum to the Academy Awards.
RW: She is proud no doubt.
NK : Yes, she is proud but she is in bed now. (She and Stephen laugh)
RW : And mum is proud? You said you always wanted to make your mum proud of you. She must be delirious?
SD (laughing) : But is she, finally?
NK : She is!....We can't find her. There's loud music and she is dancing.
Voices: She's here..she's here
SD : Aaahhh ...mum is here!
NK (demanding voice looking around) : Where is she.... ??!...oh..she is round the corner, she is sitting down.... she is over there. Mum and dad are over there. Mum and Dad travelled a long way to come and hold my hand and they have done that many times. They have done it in bad times and now in good times...
RW : Last year we were all there and the nominees are dah-de-dah-de-dah ... and your name was called out and sadly you did not win last year. It is OK! Compare last year to this year.
NK : Different, really different. I do not know how you do compare. I think it's an honour to be nominated 2 years in a row and different films and different times and different characters. That's the thing I love as an actor, is to get to play in such diverse roles you now. To play in a musical, that heightened realism...and then to get to play in something like this. The extremes, it is what excites me as an actor.
RW : .....there was some talk....
NK (interrupting) : Enough Richard, we've got to go!!
SD : We've got to go....!
RW : one more. There was some talk that you would not come tonight. Was there ever a time when you did not think you would come tonight.
NK : Umm...I grappled with the idea and we certainly discussed it.
SD : Yeah. There is so much going on. I mean it is hard to know whether it is appropriate to have an award ceremony with what is going on. So we thought about that didn't we. Not with each other but in our consciences.
NK : And we discussed it too, and we decided ..no, we will show up.
RW : Congratulations
NK : Thank you
Richard Wilkins kisses her hand as she laughs.
SD : Thanks Mum....well done Dad...

   Nicole Kidman_2002_Oscar
   めぐりあう時間たち ニコール・キッドマン


