Western Astrology: A Personal Perspective | astrodori9178のブログ



Natal Chart: Your Cosmic Blueprint


In Western astrology, your natal chart is like a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born. It's a map showing where the planets were hanging out, which signs they were in, and how they were chatting with each other.

Contrary to common belief, I hold the view that the stars twinkling in the sky don't dictate our fate. Instead, I see them as mere "markers" guiding us through what I like to call "the spiritual weather." It's akin to the changing seasons; just as we know it's time to plant certain crops in spring, astrology suggests it might be time to experience specific emotions and grow from particular viewpoints.

For instance, imagine the experiences lined up for us are like seeds we've already chosen before stepping into this life. It's as if we've inked a soul-contract with the universe and with those we're meant to journey with. So, rather than being at the mercy of some predetermined destiny, it's all about our will before we even enter this earthly realm.

In this light, Western astrology becomes a guide, not a dictator, helping us navigate the ebb and flow of our spiritual journey. It's about embracing the opportunities for growth and understanding the patterns that shape our lives, all within the context of our own personal story.


The Sun Sign: Your Basic Personality


Right at the heart of your chart is your Sun sign, which shines a light on your basic self. It's like the core of who you are, the stuff you show to the world. Whether you're a chatty Gemini or a hardworking Capricorn, your Sun sign paints a picture of your main traits and how you roll in life.


The Moon's Emotional Landscape


While the Sun sign is all about the outside, the Moon sign goes deep into your emotional world. It's like a peek into your secret needs and instincts, the stuff that really drives you. Whether you're feeling fiery and restless with a Moon in a fire sign or lost in thought with a Moon in an air sign, your Moon sign spills the beans on your emotional side.


The Ascendant: Your Social Mask


The Ascendant, also known as the Rising sign, is like the face you wear out in the world. It's how people first see you, shaping their first impressions. Sometimes it's a bit different from your Sun sign, giving a twist to your personality. So, even if you're a sensitive Cancer Sun, your Ascendant might make you come off as more outgoing and driven.


Following Your Cosmic Path with the Lunar Nodes


Tucked into your chart are the North Node (Dragon Head) and South Node (Dragon Tail), which are like little cosmic markers pointing the way. They are associated with one's karmic journey and life purpose. The South Node represents ingrained habits, talents, and experiences and things you've learned and mastered in past lives, while the North Node is where you're headed in this one, the lessons and experiences one needs to embrace in the current lifetime, what your mission in this lifetime is in order to evolve spiritually and fulfill your destiny.


It is believed that we need to express both our South and North Node in order to reach balance in this lifetime, by using the gifts of the South Node in order to accomplish the mission of the North Node. If a person is born with squares to their both Nodes, it is believed that that person didn't accomplish the South Node (which was its North Node in a past life) and in the present lifetime he has to first work on accomplishing the South Node. Only after that he will be able to use the expertise and reach for the goal of his North Node. It's like finding a balance between old skills and new lessons.


In the colorful world of Western astrology, your natal chart tells a story filled with layers of personality, purpose, and potential, all "written in the stars".